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Former Member
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Re: A complaint

Gotta tell you, this pissed me off a little.

Not so much that they didn't know how to run the WU's, that was bad enough. But to start sending me these when I explicitly only permit HCC WU was way out of line IMO. A little to much taking things for granted for my taste. Hopefully this is the last time it happens. Gotta be honest, when I stack up Curing Cancer against more rice production, Curing Cancer wins everytime. Just my preference, but it is what it is. It's one of the reasons I feel good about doing this, having some control of where I donate my cruching power and make a difference.

I aborted everyone regardless of whether they worked or not. I might move one box over once I'm ready and it makes sense to me, but not for a while now!!!

[Edit 1 times, last edit by Former Member at May 16, 2008 4:23:57 AM]
[May 16, 2008 4:10:34 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: A complaint

Do the email process and if people aren't intelligent enough to see it or to "pick it out of 200 spam messages" then maybe they ought to go back to school and learn to read.
You missed the point. It is not always going to be at the top. I have already been to schools, when they still were schools. The wunes in skul now kant spel wurth a darn. I T I S V E R Y T I M E C O N S U M I N G A N D T A K E S T I M E T H A T I C O U L D B E U S I N G T O R E P L Y T O T H O S E T H A T D O N O T W A N T T O R E A D A N N O U N C E M E N T S .

I only have to look at the titles for some messages and toss them out.

Reading the forum announcements only takes a few seconds....even less if there is nothing new for today.

I got 29 more messages while I was working on this. There are also some useful messages and broadcasts that need attention in various ways.

I understand your point and I agree that there are a lot of people that can't write a cohesive sentence if their life depended on it but do we pander to those who are illiterate for the sake of possibly losing some work time on a new project while pissing off the people who can read, who do read their email and support this project very strongly?
Isn't that thinking putting the cart before the horse?
One of my teammates mentioned this:
Perhaps a profile that can't be changed should be added.
I don't know if thats feasible or not but it is an option.
I can not stress strongly enough in civil language how pissed off some people are over this. Read between the lines at what I am saying here in the strongest language that I can politely use.
This method is a mistake and must be changed for the good of all.
I love this project and the work it does but I am telling you plain and simple that mutual respect HAS to be involved here.
People with multiple machines that are devoted to one project at WCG will not sit idly by and have to one by one delete unwanted WU from projects they do not want to do.
The bulk of them are not like myself that will take the time to write and try to convince you of the error here.
They will simply take their machines somewhere else.
Courtesy and Respect, those are the foundations on which all partnerships are based.
Thanks for reading.

PS: I started school in 1957 so I do understand your point on education today.. wink

[Edit 1 times, last edit by Movieman at May 16, 2008 5:16:28 AM]
[May 16, 2008 5:15:00 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: A complaint

I can try to make it plain and simple.

Don't mess with my profiles without my explicit consent. My profiles affect how my machines run, and my machines are my property.

Tell me otherwise and I'll take my machines elsewhere.

[May 16, 2008 5:56:44 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: A complaint

Courtesy and Respect, those are the foundations on which all partnerships are based.

then you will accept the results of an email vote, yes?
[May 16, 2008 6:26:32 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: A complaint

There are 2 things I don't get about this reluctance to email us:

1) WCG has 383,670 members. The "Launch of the Nutritious Rice for the World Project" announcement on here has been read 694 times. That's 1 user in 500.

2) Reading the forums every day to see if there's a new annoucement requires a huge amount of time. I'm doing so at the moment, because I have the time and because some interesting things are happening, but sometimes I'll not come here for weeks. An email when there's an important announcement would take up 1/1000 of the time that polling the forums would. Let's put it in computing terms: The forums are a polling system. Email is interrupt-driven. Polling systems are vastly less efficient than interrupt-driven.

Either of these individually lead to the obvious conclusion: In any practical sense, the forums are NOT a means to communicate with members effectively. Never have been. Never will be.
[May 16, 2008 6:34:53 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Former Member
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Re: A complaint

Seems to me the issue is quite clear.

On one end we have participants such as the topic starter who have a very strong reasons for selecting certain projects, and therefore do not want to automatically opt-in to new projects

On the other end we have the point that has been made that not having an auto opt-in at all would mean new projects would get a very bad acceptance, as it is very hard to reach all users to move them to manually add the project to their profile: The forum is not read by many users, and even if you would add all other news messages and posts on other teamforums, the coverage is not that well. Email messages have a similar problem.

It seems clear to me that for people who do not want an auto opt-in this ideally should be possible. On the other end we should not close our eyes for the fact that just disabling auto opt-in would probably have a unintended bad effect on project acceptance.

Best solution to me seems to add an option somewhere in the user preferences or in the profile where the user can choose whether to auto opt-in on new projects or not. A per profile settings would be the nicest but I can imagine that it is not possible to add WCG specific settings to the profiles. In that case a user setting (which applies to all profiles)would probably suit the requirements just as well. By default this auto opt-in flag could be set to enabled so by default the behaviour will be the same as now, which is probably fine for the majority of the users. Users who do not like this behavior (such as the topic starter) can then disable the check box so WCG will no longer add new projects to their profiles. Mind you they can still add them manually if they choose so.
[Edit 3 times, last edit by Former Member at May 16, 2008 7:02:25 AM]
[May 16, 2008 6:59:00 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Former Member
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Re: A complaint

Courtesy and Respect, those are the foundations on which all partnerships are based.

then you will accept the results of an email vote, yes?

Yes, provided voting rights are proportional to daily contribution.

[May 16, 2008 8:55:45 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Dark Angel
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Re: A complaint

Courtesy and Respect, those are the foundations on which all partnerships are based.

then you will accept the results of an email vote, yes?

If contributors wish to have projects automatically added to their profiles there should be a check box to allow said. This is not a matter for an email vote, it is a matter of courtesy and respect from the project organisers.

As contributors, we are NOT the ignorant "children" of the project. We are the sole suppliers of the very resource the project requires to run. Without us the project does not exist.

Currently being moderated under false pretences
[May 16, 2008 9:01:36 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: A complaint

The ideas and sentiments were conveyed in the CA back-room to WCG even before this thread started! The comments were confirmed as heard and would be reviewed.

The last informal poll I organised showed 26% vote with a general No-Auto-Opt-In and 20% said Conditional as in "only for 'normal' burdening projects".


  • Email notification on new project launch (will only work for who opted into receiving mail, which is actually no auto-opt-in for new members)
  • Option somewhere e.g. on the My Projects page, with a 'all overruling function' to be in all new projects. With KISS, i.e. no extensive granularity, really.

    Obviously it's too late for this round and surely next time things will be better, if only an email announcement to all with mail opt-in. AND, being CA is mostly a one way street: First line receipt and read of anything on these fora, passing anything unresolvable, ideas and sentiments and after hearing mostly nothing much back at all. Oh well. Those ware the days.

    [edit: some words clarified]
  • ----------------------------------------
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    [Edit 1 times, last edit by Sekerob at May 16, 2008 11:43:42 AM]
    [May 16, 2008 9:46:28 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
    Former Member
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    Re: A complaint

    I believe one of our fellow crunchers has expressed my sentiment with a recent post in XS forums, and I quote:

    'Any crunchers that were with will know this is a repeat of what happened there, again they used the opt out instead of opt in.

    Now at the end of the day this is my money in rigs and electric and if you`re doing something with it I DID NOT give permission for I would class that as stealing.

    Technically also you have put something on my machine without permission. I`m darn sure this is in breach of something.

    Who`s to say next we`re not going to be crunching for the military without our express permission ?

    Not happy !!! But still at WCG but will NOT crunch rice now on principle.'

    DDTUNG cool

    **Edited for inappropriate language** TKH
    [Edit 1 times, last edit by TKH at May 16, 2008 2:36:03 PM]
    [May 16, 2008 11:03:29 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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