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Category: Completed Research Forum: Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 Forum Thread: Reduced CMD2 project priority |
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Thread Status: Active Total posts in this thread: 94
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Senior Cruncher Australia Joined: Apr 28, 2007 Post Count: 179 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Speedy, it's a grandchild as per what Jean explained: Color coded: CMD2_ 2052-2I7T_ A.clustersOccur-3D0G_ A.clustersOccur_ 14 _ 57349_ 57735 _ 57633_ 57667 _ 0-- parent (15th, a the first is 0) child grandchild Any additional pair of 6 digit numbers is a further off-spring, great-grandchild etc. The second 6 digit number in a pair, if same, indicates that there was no split. Here it seems the case that the 57668-57735 positions were put in a second, maybe even further split in 2 more grandchildren which was not the case in the other example: CMD2_ 2064-2GF9_ A.clustersOccur-3BJI_ A.clustersOccur_ 8_ 106923_ 109377_ 108187_ 109377_ 1 Frankly, can't remember to have seen this before [was long time ago I crunched HCMD2]. Certainly would speed up batch completion. --//-- Not quite accurate in my book. Using Speedy's example, CMD2_2052-2I7T_A.clustersOccur-3D0G_A.clustersOccur_14_57349_57735_57633_ 57667_0-- Means: ..._14_0 was the parent. This hit a wall - 6hr or 12-hr. ..._14_57349_57735_0 was one child produced - there may have been many. Each child has ~387 positions (57735-57349 + 1 for the fencepost) Hence there would probably be other children: ..._14_57736_58122_0 ..._14_58123_58529_0 and so on - not possible to tell since the numbering scheme doesn't show the parent unit's start and end position numbers. ..._14_57349_57735_0 was crunched and again hit a wall. ..._14_57349_57735_57633_57667_0 was one grandchild unit produced - and the size is down to 35 positions per unit. Grandchildren produced could have been ... ..._14_57349_57735_57563_57597_0 ..._14_57349_57735_57598_57632_0 ..._14_57349_57735_57633_57667_0 (Speedy's target unit) ..._14_57349_57735_57668_57702_0 ..._14_57349_57735_57703_57735_0 The '57735' here is merely indicates the LAST child of its generation. It has no further significance. For instance, from my own results (on child level) 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2IAE_A.clustersOccur_2_10728_12719_0-- 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2IAE_A.clustersOccur_2_12720_14711_0-- 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2IAE_B.clustersOccur_49_21103_21160_0-- 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2IAE_B.clustersOccur_49_21161_21218_0-- 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2IAE_B.clustersOccur_49_21219_21276_0-- 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2O61_A.clustersOccur_1_4644_5959_1-- 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2O61_A.clustersOccur_1_5960_7275_1-- 2067-2G59_A.clustersOccur-2O61_A.clustersOccur_1_7276_8591_0-- (note the contiguous position blocks 10728..14711, 21103..21276, 4644..8591 - and that the terminal _0 or _1 is also not significant - each make-up job is sent out as two separate tasks since this is a replication-2 project - allotment of _0, _1 tasks may occur to the same machine but NOT sometasknumber_0 AND sometasknumber_1 to the SAME machine for the SAME tasknumber) |
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Cruncher Joined: May 22, 2018 Post Count: 0 Status: Offline |
Was not attempting to fully dissect, just noting there seemed to be multiple offspring at the grandchild level, one for 57633_ 57667 and one [or more] for 57668-57735. In hindcast, 668 to 735 is 68 positions. How that got split 35/33 or 34/34 I'll leave up to the interested in the last finesse. This [side] discussion principally is for members to recognize if dealing with what level of off-spring.
For the interested, a further level, great grandchild gets a shorter deadline, 4 days. It's in the Start Here FAQ's discussing deadlines. --//-- |
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Thank you Mysteron347 for having already done the most tedious part of what I intended to post for Speedy51.
----------------------------------------Nothing to change to it, I only want to add that from Speedy's reference to a "...14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57458_ 57492_ 0" WU there have also been three more grandchildren (at least) : ...14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57458_ 57492_ 0 ...14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57493_ 57527_ 0 ...14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57528_ 57562_ 0 before the ones you have listed. Now I think that Speedy was also questioning about the shortness of ...14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57633_ 57667_ 0 (0.13 hour) versus the long lasting ...14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57458_ 57492_ 0 (4.24 hours). After watching so many HCMD2 WUs running in fast and slow devices I think I may say that positions of a given job fall into only two categories, easy and tough, and that, in a given device, all easy positions need about the same short time to compute, and all tough ones also need about the same long time. The final duration of a HCMD2 work unit will depend on the mix of easy and tough positions in this work unit. As grandchildren or even great-grandchildren WUs are generated the number of positions per WU is smaller and smaller and the probability that some contain nearly only easy ones or nearly only tough ones is higher and higher. In Speedy's case of 35 positions per WU one can find that the easy positions need at most 0.13 / 35 * 3600 = 13.37 seconds to compute a single one, and that tough positions need at least 4.24 / 35 * 3600 = 436.11 seconds (or 7 mn and 16 s) to compute a single one, for this pair of molecules and this particular device. And these numbers are perfectly consistent with what I have been able to observe in my devices, e.g. easy positions below 1 second and tough ones up to 3 minutes in a 3.0 GHz Q6600. |
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
...just noting there seemed to be multiple offspring at the grandchild level, one for 57633_ 57667 and one [or more] for 57668-57735. In hindcast, 668 to 735 is 68 positions. How that got split 35/33 or 34/34 I'll leave up to the interested in the last finesse. It seems that the techs' chopper decides the number of positions per grandchild based on the actual results of the related child, therefore the number of positions for the generation below one child may not be the same as those for another child of the same set, although, statistically, they should be relatively close.And for a set of grandchildren from the same child all but the last one will have the same number of positions and the last one will have what is left. |
Veteran Cruncher New Zealand Joined: Nov 4, 2005 Post Count: 1265 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Thank you Mysteron347, SekeRob & JmBoullier for answering my questions. I understand now how the numbering of tasks works.
----------------------------------------When I was asking about run time differences. 14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57633_ 57667_ 0 (0.13 hour) versus the long lasting ...14_ 57349_ 57735_ 57458_ 57492_ 0 (4.24 hours). My system is a I7 980X @ 3.33ghZ |
Master Cruncher Joined: Mar 22, 2007 Post Count: 2324 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
This is the only CMD2 task I have seen in some time.
CMD2_ 2071-2EWY_ A.clustersOccur-3DPT_ B.clustersOccur_ 3_ 32179_ 33121_ 32863_ 33121_ 33038_ 33121_ 1-- 640 Pending Validation 08/09/11 07:59:04 08/09/11 11:12:08 0.77 30.3 / 0.0 Tick tock France. |
Veteran Cruncher Scotland Joined: Apr 30, 2007 Post Count: 674 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
I picked up two today, but I also picked up 8 Beta WU's. It says something for how scarce HCMD2 are getting if Betas are more plentiful.
KWSN - A Shrubbery
Master Cruncher Joined: Jan 8, 2006 Post Count: 1585 Status: Offline |
Well, I have pages in pending mode. It's just a couple hours before my wingmen start timing out on them.
----------------------------------------Distributed computing volunteer since September 27, 2000 |
Senior Cruncher Australia Joined: Apr 28, 2007 Post Count: 179 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Senior Cruncher Germany Joined: Sep 30, 2006 Post Count: 269 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Caches empty in 35 minutes.
----------------------------------------Time to get some new. :-) [Edit 1 times, last edit by Mathilde2006 at Sep 10, 2011 4:10:06 PM] |