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Category: Completed Research Forum: FightAIDS@Home Thread: Interesting news articles about AIDS |
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[CSF] Thomas Dupont
Veteran Cruncher Joined: Aug 25, 2013 Post Count: 685 Status: Offline |
Quand le VIH pénètre l'organisme, aucun système d'alarme ne se met en marche car le virus, en pénétrant les macrophages (cellules du système immunitaire), recrute deux molécules qui l'empêchent de se répliquer trop vite déjouant ainsi la vigilance du système immunitaire. Des scientifiques britanniques ont percé à jour ce "secret" et sont parvenus à réactiver le système immunitaire en "éteignant" une des deux molécules incriminées.
----------------------------------------Pour en savoir plus : When the HIV penetrates into the body, no alarm system starts up because the virus, by penetrating into macrophages (cells of the immune system), recruits two molecules which prevent him from answering too fast so thwarting the vigilance of the immune system. British scientists drilled up to date this "secret" and succeeded in reactivating the immune system by "switching off" one of the two incriminated molecules. To know more about it (french article) : ---------------------------------------- [Edit 2 times, last edit by [CSF] Thomas Dupont at Nov 22, 2013 4:25:00 PM] |
[CSF] Thomas Dupont
Veteran Cruncher Joined: Aug 25, 2013 Post Count: 685 Status: Offline |
Il n'y a pas que nous qui luttons : le SIDA lutte aussi contre nous en se recombinant pour devenir toujours plus puissant.
----------------------------------------Une nouvelle souche recombinée du VIH vient d'être découverte par des chercheurs suédois. SIDA : - Zéro infection - Zéro décès - Zéro discrimination Un point sur le SIDA à l'occasion de la journée mondiale de lutte contre le virus qui a eu lieu dimanche dernier. Les chiffres sont tout de même encore ahurissants ! Bonne lecture à tous ! |
Senior Cruncher Joined: Apr 23, 2006 Post Count: 360 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Dec. 3, 2013 — Researchers have used radioimmunotherapy (RIT) to destroy remaining human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected cells in the blood samples of patients treated with antiretroviral therapy, offering the promise of a strategy for curing HIV infection. [...] A radio-labeled human antibody binds to the viral gp41 protein expressed on the surface of the HIV-infected human lymphocyte and the cell is killed by alpha radiation delivered by the antibody. [...] |
Veteran Cruncher Australia Joined: Sep 17, 2006 Post Count: 666 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Hot off the press - 19 December 2013:
----------------------------------------This could herald a big breakthrough in HIV treatment. It might also provide an opportunity for FAAH to find an inhibitor for a new target: caspase-1. The article How HIV Destroys Immune Cells by Dan Cossins in The Scientist > Daily News summarises presentations made in 2 research papers: - G. Doitsh et al., “Cell death by pyroptosis drives CD4 T-cell depletion in HIV-1 infection,” Nature, doi:10.1038/nature12940, 2013. - K. M. Monroe et al., “IFI16 DNA sensor is required for death of lymphoid CD4 T cells abortively infected with HIV,” Science, doi:10.1126/science.1243640, 2013. "During HIV infection, CD4 T cells in lymphoid tissues initiate a highly inflammatory form of cell death that helps cripple the immune system. HIV leads to AIDS primarily because the virus destroys essential immune cells called CD4 T cells, but precisely how these cells are killed has not been clear. Two papers published simultaneously today (19 December) in Nature and Science reveal the molecular mechanisms that cause the death of most CD4 T cells in lymphoid tissues, the main reservoir for such cells, during infection. Two research teams led by Warner Greene at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco have demonstrated that the vast majority of CD4 T cells in lymphoid tissues, despite their ability to resist full infection by HIV, respond to the presence of viral DNA by sacrificing themselves via pyroptosis—a highly inflammatory form of cell death that lures more CD4 T cells to the area, thereby creating a vicious cycle that ultimately wreaks havoc on the immune system. ... It turns out that the vast majority—roughly 95 percent—of CD4 T cell death in lymphoid tissues is driven by caspase-1-mediated pyroptosis. ... The authors showed in the Nature study that an existing caspase-1 inhibitor—a drug already shown to be safe in humans—suppressed CD4 T-cell death and inflammation in cell culture. They are now planning a Phase II clinical trial to test its capacity to block pyroptosis in HIV-infected patients." [Edit 2 times, last edit by Rickjb at Dec 20, 2013 9:37:28 AM] |
Master Cruncher FRANCE Joined: Jun 12, 2009 Post Count: 2346 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Thks for these scientific news .The caspase-1 inhibitor is called VX-765
----------------------------------------Here is the link to the Nature study: Cell death by pyroptosis drives CD4 T-cell depletion in HIV-1 infection and for those (many?) reading french the report in Futura-Sciences: Sida: pour vaincre le VIH, sauvons les lymphocytes T4 cheers |
[CSF] Thomas Dupont
Veteran Cruncher Joined: Aug 25, 2013 Post Count: 685 Status: Offline |
Thks for these scientific news .The caspase-1 inhibitor is called VX-765 Here is the link to the Nature study: Cell death by pyroptosis drives CD4 T-cell depletion in HIV-1 infection and for those (many?) reading french the report in Futura-Sciences: Sida: pour vaincre le VIH, sauvons les lymphocytes T4 cheers Merci alged ! Ma contribution VIH : Le traitement gomme la différence d'espérance de vie "Une augmentation de l'espérance de vie chez les personnes séropositives traitées, dûment constatée aux États-Unis et au Canada par cette étude du Centre d’excellence de la British Columbia. Ces bonnes nouvelles, publiées dans l’édition du 18 décembre de la revue PLoS ONE révèlent que l'espérance de vie des personnes séropositives traitées est en train de rejoindre l’espérance de vie en population générale." HIV : Treatment erases the difference in life expectancy "An increase in life expectancy in people with HIV treated, duly recorded in the United States and Canada by this study by the Centre for Excellence in British Columbia. Such good news, published in the edition of December 18th PLoS ONE reveal that the life expectancy of HIV-positive people treated is in the process of joining the life expectancy of the general population. " |
Senior Cruncher Brazil Joined: Mar 29, 2006 Post Count: 185 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
"...Sangamo's Phase 1 data suggested that if a threshold level of engraftment of SB-728-T was achieved, specifically of CD4 cells fully protected from HIV entry by zinc finger nuclease (ZFN)-mediated modification of both CCR5 genes (biallelic modification), then functional control of HIV infection may be possible..."
Dec. 6, 2013 |
[CSF] Thomas Dupont
Veteran Cruncher Joined: Aug 25, 2013 Post Count: 685 Status: Offline |
VIH-SIDA : De l’infection à la maladie, le processus enfin décrypté
----------------------------------------"En dépit de quelques 30 années de recherche, le processus « VIH-SIDA » était resté un mystère. Cette recherche majeure, menée au Gladstone Institute décrit, pas à pas, les mécanismes moléculaires qui s’enchaînent dans le corps humain, de l’infection à VIH au développement du sida. Ses conclusions, présentées dans deux revues prestigieuses Science et Nature, pourraient apporter la clé d’un vaccin ou de nouveaux traitements contre le sida." HIV-AIDS : From infection to disease, the process finally decrypted "Despite some 30 years of research, "HIV-AIDS" process remained a mystery. This major research, conducted at the Gladstone Institute describes, step by step, the molecular mechanisms that are linked in the human body, HIV infection to development of AIDS. His conclusions, presented in two prestigious journals Science and Nature, could provide the key to new treatments or vaccines against AIDS." French Article |
Jim Slade
Veteran Cruncher Joined: Apr 27, 2007 Post Count: 664 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
NIH-Created Toxin Can Kill HIV-Infected Cells that Persist Despite Treatment
A team including University of North Carolina and NIH scientists has demonstrated in a mouse that an HIV-specific poison can kill cells in which the virus is actively reproducing despite antiretroviral therapy. According to the researchers, such a targeted poison could compliment antiretroviral therapy, which dramatically reduces the replication of HIV infected cells but does not eliminate them. |
[CSF] Thomas Dupont
Veteran Cruncher Joined: Aug 25, 2013 Post Count: 685 Status: Offline |
NIH-Created Toxin Can Kill HIV-Infected Cells that Persist Despite Treatment A team including University of North Carolina and NIH scientists has demonstrated in a mouse that an HIV-specific poison can kill cells in which the virus is actively reproducing despite antiretroviral therapy. According to the researchers, such a targeted poison could compliment antiretroviral therapy, which dramatically reduces the replication of HIV infected cells but does not eliminate them. Thanks Jim ! |