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Category: Beta Testing Forum: Beta Test Support Forum Thread: BETA Clean Energy Project phase 2 version 6.33 |
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Thread Status: Active Total posts in this thread: 89
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Crystal Pellet
Veteran Cruncher Joined: May 21, 2008 Post Count: 1313 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Still some widespread drips of BETA resends:
----------------------------------------World Community Grid 27-Oct-2010 18:59:47 UTC Starting BETA_E200515_385_A.24.C21H14OSSe.44.4.set1d06_2 on my slowest XP32-laptop. Deadline 1 day so started directly in High Priority pushing a HCMD2 alongside. It will run about 2 hours into Job # 13 before exceeding the 12 hours cpu-time. |
Cruncher USA Joined: Apr 27, 2007 Post Count: 43 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
I finally got a beta and Norton Internet Security quarantined it. Any suggestions on how to make sure this doesn't happen again? This is the first time Norton ever stopped one of the WCG projects on my computer. I looked at the firewall FAQ but didn't see anything releated to Norton,
Due to Norton quarantining a critical file, the beta was reported as an error. The file Norton rejected was wcgrid_beta11_6.33_windows_intelx86. Result Name: BETA_ E200515_ 065_ A.25.C19H14N4SSi.112.3.set1d06_ 2-- |
Ace Cruncher Joined: Jul 24, 2005 Post Count: 20043 Status: Offline |
----------------------------------------Don't know how, yet, but hear a quick search result when looking for "Norton AND quarantine"
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Cruncher USA Joined: Apr 27, 2007 Post Count: 43 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Thanks, Sekerob.
For now, I'll just add the Boinc data folder to a list of exclusions. I restored the file, then did a rescan of that folder just to see if it would be quarantined again and it wasn't. Norton seemed to jump in as the file was downloaded and starting to run so excluding that data folder seems appropriate as a start. Unfortunately I don't have much experience with false positives and what I should have done is noted down all the quarantine information and reported it to Norton as false positive and then restore the file. By restoring first and analyzing second, I lost the exact reason Norton quarantined the file. |
Master Cruncher Classified Joined: Aug 29, 2008 Post Count: 2998 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
I lost the exact reason Norton quarantined the file. Because it's Norton.
In 1969 I took an oath to defend and protect the U S Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and Domestic. There was no expiration date.
----------------------------------------[Edit 2 times, last edit by nanoprobe at Oct 28, 2010 1:25:42 PM] |
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Cruncher Joined: May 22, 2018 Post Count: 0 Status: Offline |
got rid of norton a real resource hog..
Advanced Cruncher USA Joined: Aug 23, 2005 Post Count: 115 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
what I should have done is noted down all the quarantine information and reported it to Norton as false positive Sekerob, As Norton appears to be a reoccurring issue, and apparently affects quite some users, is this something where WCGrid as an Organization could approach Norton? That would resolve this and any future issues at the root. Who knows, while you (WCGrid) are at it, may be you can even make them join as a partner ? Considering what they do they could turn out to also be a fantastic multiplier ! |
Ace Cruncher Joined: Jul 24, 2005 Post Count: 20043 Status: Offline |
The data_dir scan exclusion is an age old BOINC related workaround covered in the FAQs and I think Help too... applies to most Firewall/AV software. BOINC verifies validity continuously of downloaded packets... crc/md5 checks inclusive and it runs under a limited rights account, so things are quite well sand-boxed.
----------------------------------------WCG has worked with one or the other AV company on a past BOINC issue... imagine they're big buyers too. Hard and reproducible evidence helps to document such an effort. WCG staff themselves simply do not have the resources to pursue every problem avenue, so asking to make it known to Norton directly and tell them you're sharing this experience with 525,000 members who read the WCG forums. :D Now on that quarantining... are there no settings to "remember" a past yes/no OK for a data area in Norton? It's trust based, because WCG once big enough is going to switch to computing for the design of a time travel machine. IBM might want to change the past I so understand on what they did v.v. Billy G. 2 eurocents opinion.
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Veteran Cruncher Norway Joined: Nov 19, 2005 Post Count: 974 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
The data_dir scan exclusion is an age old BOINC related workaround covered in the FAQs and I think Help too... applies to most Firewall/AV software. Yes, but unfortunately the SONAR-part of Norton still quaranteens BOINC-applcations in some instances. Now on that quarantining... are there no settings to "remember" a past yes/no OK for a data area in Norton? If you restore the file, you can choose to let Norton ignore this specific file, so until an updated application is released it shouldn't be a problem... "I make so many mistakes. But then just think of all the mistakes I don't make, although I might." |