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Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool


I really wonder if in the future, WCG will allow users merge accounts once was noticed that there are a lot of crunchers with more than one account (I included), due distinct problems and aspects faced during the past and present WCG scenarios, many at begining times.

Additinally, I wonder too see a special feature that will allow members share/exchange something, like results/credits/points/time crunched/badges/emails in privacy/and so on...

Obviously with some kind of disclaimers that could avoid bad usage or bad conducts, but with security and open enough to allow users enjoy and explore at full speed the real possibilities that could be thinked to be explored inside one global, diversified, robust and giant community like WCG...

It is another thought, that could allow users get badges in fault... exchanged something (please, no chance to have money involved !) just for fun ! tongue

Think in the possibilities and enjoy with the idea !

idea thinking laughing peace cool coffee
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 3 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:17:27 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 1:49:54 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

You forgot the MOST IMPORTANT criteria: The date that you first started crunching biggrin

Four of those projects were complete before I stumbled upon WCG, AC@H hasn't resurfaced in almost 2 years and my three lonely dddt2 WU haven't been validated yet. cool

Astrolab, reading again your post, and just to mention:

I really believe that don't forgot it !

I think that when I mentioned Pioneerism, I put the concept of the time, behind the "date that many of we first started crunch here"...

So sorry if you don't have real chances, for any reason at that time, to be part of the pilgrims pioneers group here...

Have a good crunch time here ! peace coffee

Edit: Title change
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 2 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:17:51 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 2:03:04 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

And also, not forgetting the projects that your machine(s) weren't qualified for - either due to the OS/machine type or the WCG client (UD vs. BOINC).


reading again your post, and just to mention:

This kind of OS/machine type problem was very very hard at begining times, and bring at least most damage for beginners than other crunchers.

I remember that when I tried Linux, Solaris, Mac OS, and OS2 Warp (the last was a robust good IBM OS from ancient times of PC history), but I give up after lost a lot of time, picked many bugs and suffer a lot with errors, mainly to be alone many times (I'm not a PC specialist neither a TI expert, and many things don't have support enough at that times in WCG). So, I jumped to "Wintel" world that ever was a smooth way to crunch in WCG.

And for at least 2 years after WCG started I had continuous issues with OS versions (until today we saw that not all kind of OS are available at full spectrum, for cost and many technical reasons - like provide support when users need or provide just simple updated releases, etc).

Probably I pay this bill just to try put something without the right parameters inside of something with right kind of parameters... but it is the price of pioneerism and temptatives and errors methodology from early bird adopters evertime, in everyplace...

So in my humble opinion this point was more hard at begining times and make more damages in the first year of WCG for beginners, than after when you join us, once WCG quickly put focus on spread more the OS universe and became more platforms available (it was a great strategy once captured a lot of powerful crunchers from many places and tribes, like servers world with RISC machines plenty of iddle time to be used in humanitarian efforts !).

Anyway, you are right on that ! thinking coffee

Edit: Title change and typo
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 3 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:18:15 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 2:35:32 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

Come on people !
Let's move on yours queues and got badges enough to get your clubber badge to entry here !!!

Just to cover all possibilities, I think that would be better change the title for something like:


I hope that it get including all felt excluded crunchers in the original words, which obviously would like to be part of this club with us.

Remember, it's just for fun ! Let's enjoy together and exchange thougths... is for free to dream here !

idea biggrin hugs cowboy alien 1 dancing peace good luck

Edit: Title change and typo
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 4 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:18:47 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 5:31:56 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

Hi GIBA, now that you've "rebranded" your club cool , hopefully I'll be able to join it in the not too distant future.

Basically, I'm approx, 9 hrs away from a DDDT2 Bronze, 60 hrs away from a Beta badge, and didn't qualify to receive any AC@H WU's - as (if I remember correctly), that project was run solely on BOINC whilst I was crunching the original HCMD on UD biggrin

[Feb 27, 2010 5:44:21 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

So, now rebranded the all WCG crunchers club (not mine for sure...) as referenced, I would like to dare anyone from WCG share with us your thoughts, questions and answers about it !!! wink

To put more fuel on the fire, let me tease and yack all you with more ammunitions: devilish

* Are you a special case that have pertinence with our club aspects (be free to share your point of view!) ?

* Do you have a full hand of any set of Bronzes, Silvers, Golds, Rubis, Emeralds, Sapphires, maybe more than 5 years in each project just waiting for the new badges, despite of be just few or many ones ?

* Do you have some kind of special or simple combinations that appear be distinct enough to be mentioned ?

* Do you have any kind of set that will became soon something like a Rubics Cube or other geometric/figurative reference that matters share with us ?

* Do you have a single one, with a lot of proud, and would like to coment yours thoughts here ?

* Do you have ideas about it and would like to share with us ?

* Do you have some kind of joke or humor text about it which could be posted here ?

* What do you think about it initiative ?

* What WCG can do to revamp the rules, to increase the recruitment of new crunchers and reactivation of old ones?

* What WCG can do to speed up significantly the overall interest for active projects, badges aspects, rules, etc ?

* What simple ideas which don't demand so much efforts from us or WCG Tech Team could be adopted / implemented to leverage the clubbers of any kind ?

* More things ? Post here and enjoy !

tongue hugs cool peace coffee coffee

Edit: Title change
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 3 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:19:13 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 6:22:33 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

Hi GIBA, now that you've "rebranded" your club cool , hopefully I'll be able to join it in the not too distant future.

Basically, I'm approx, 9 hrs away from a DDDT2 Bronze, 60 hrs away from a Beta badge, and didn't qualify to receive any AC@H WU's - as (if I remember correctly), that project was run solely on BOINC whilst I was crunching the original HCMD on UD biggrin

So you have at end, an impressive colorful set of badges anyway...

And just to mention, I think that probably AC@H2 will delay a lot news about it for a long time now... coffee

Edit: Title changes
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 2 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:20:12 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 7:04:43 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Advanced Cruncher
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Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

Came on people !
Let's move on yours queues and got badges enough to get your clubber badge to entry here !!!

Just to cover all possibilities, I think that would be better change the title for something like:


I hope that it get including all felt excluded crunchers in the original words, which obviously would like to be part of this club with us.

Remember, it's just for funny ! Let's enjoy together and exchange thougths... is for free to dream here !

idea biggrin hugs cowboy alien 1 dancing peace good luck

Now I qualify! Well... sort of. No DDDT2 yet, but I've been set on only that project since the day after it launched, but no WUs yet. :(

Just think though, many new users join all the time, and they will see DDDT, CEP, Influenza and soon the Rice project and wish they could have gotten badges in those! I look forward to the day I have 16 badges as new projects are added, but am proud of the 12+ years of work I have contributed already since August, 2008. To everyone's hard work and spare CPU cycles!

[Feb 27, 2010 11:40:31 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
Audaces Fortuna Juvat ! Vaud - Switzerland
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smile Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

Ok GIBA. With the new rebranding I have a chance to qualify to your club once I get the DDDT2 badge and the Beta badge. It becomes feasible over time.
See you in the future. wink

[Feb 27, 2010 11:52:33 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

Come on people !
Let's move on yours queues and got badges enough to get your clubber badge to entry here !!!

Just to cover all possibilities, I think that would be better change the title for something like:


I hope that it get including all felt excluded crunchers in the original words, which obviously would like to be part of this club with us.

Remember, it's just for fun ! Let's enjoy together and exchange thougths... is for free to dream here !

idea biggrin hugs cowboy alien 1 dancing peace good luck

Now I qualify! Well... sort of. No DDDT2 yet, but I've been set on only that project since the day after it launched, but no WUs yet. :(

Just think though, many new users join all the time, and they will see DDDT, CEP, Influenza and soon the Rice project and wish they could have gotten badges in those! I look forward to the day I have 16 badges as new projects are added, but am proud of the 12+ years of work I have contributed already since August, 2008. To everyone's hard work and spare CPU cycles!

Wow ! 12+ years in just a little bit more than one year ? Terrific... applause

It's a kind of set that for example many crunchers probably hardly will have...

and for this year we expect besides DDDT2, CEP2, IADS2, maybe NRW2, maybe AC@H2, maybe some brand new, and so on... so probably your set of badges will increase anyway !

And anyway you have a impressive set of badges, despite of any kind of category...

peace good luck coffee

Edit: Title changes and typo
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 3 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:20:51 PM]
[Feb 28, 2010 12:16:51 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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