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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

Jean, I just checked my machines, I'm actually a wingman of yours on that a046 work unit. and it is 25% done after 17 hours on my slower machines...

[Dec 17, 2009 4:15:31 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

14 cores running on 5 machines at the time there were sent and 0 béta received ! crying

Rejoignez nous et visitez le site de l'équipe France ici
[Dec 17, 2009 5:10:06 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

Good morning. All 14 of my Beta’s are still running well. I did notice that one of my wingmen had an error after 8.83 hours as follows:

Project Name: Beta - Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2
Created: 12/16/09
Name: BETA_erlc_a077_ps0000
Minimum Quorum: 2
Replication: 3

Result Name App Version Number Status Sent Time Time Due /
Return Time CPU Time (hours) Claimed/ Granted BOINC Credit

BETA_ erlc_ a077_ ps0000_ 3-- - In Progress 12/17/09 11:37:11 12/22/09 08:27:46 0.00 0.0 / 0.0
BETA_ erlc_ a077_ ps0000_ 1-- - In Progress 12/16/09 23:10:01 12/26/09 23:10:01 0.00 0.0 / 0.0
BETA_ erlc_ a077_ ps0000_ 0-- 612 Error 12/16/09 23:10:00 12/17/09 11:37:08 8.83 232.4 / 0.0
BETA_ erlc_ a077_ ps0000_ 2-- - In Progress 12/16/09 23:09:56 12/26/09 23:09:56 0.00 0.0 / 0.0

It appears to be an access violation:

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x00765AAB read attempt to address 0x56C2DDA0

Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...

Mine is still running well at 15:30 hours and 34% complete as well as the other wingmen.

[Dec 17, 2009 5:38:24 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

Interim Report: BETA_ erlc_ a063_ ps0000_ 1--
So far so good, 18:45 Wall Clock 34.92% Completed. All 3 copies show "In Progress" (no errors).
Concurrently running HFCC and Rice on other 3 cores and a GPUGrid on the GTS250.
AMD Phenom II 3.0 GHz/4 GB ram Fedora 11 Client 6.10.17 x86_64

Am I allowed to be on this pool? I'm guessing no...

Anyways, to let everyone know, we will wait for all of the type A work units to complete first. Then, as we will in production, return the results from the type A work units to the researchers. They will check them and create the type B work units from them for us to download and distribute. Same step happens with the type B to C exchange.

Darn, I guess that rules out the pool smile Thanks for the info.
[Dec 17, 2009 6:03:26 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Normandy - France
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

There is a major loop within these work units that has 50 passes, and we are not able to restart mid loop at this point.
That's what I was thinking of when I wrote my post.
Depending on how the program has been designed and on how much you may change it, eliminating this constraint can vary from rather easy to nearly impossible. smile
I'm actually a wingman of yours on that a046 work unit. and it is 25% done after 17 hours on my slower machines...
Nice to meet you! smile
I have passed 18 % after 7:09:25 CPU time and things are going fine, with a checkpoint about every 45 minutes.
Total CPU time might be something between 37 and 39 hours finally.

We'll see. Jean.
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[Dec 17, 2009 6:20:43 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
X-Files 27
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

update: 15hrs @ 1% complete and no checkpoint

i'll suspend now (with LAIM turned on) and see what will happen.

[Dec 17, 2009 7:49:47 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

X-Files, please go into your slots/0 directory and copy and paste the last 100 lines of result.out file in that directory here. Also, can you post what is in the stderr.txt file in that directory?

[Dec 17, 2009 8:14:49 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

result.out should look something like this...

UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3200
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3300
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3400
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3500
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3600
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3700
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3800
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 3900
DYNA> 4000 8.00000 -2103.20883 2123.19618 -4226.40501 301.30878
DYNA PROP> 17.90573 -2084.60244 2178.43388 18.60639 2167.11114
DYNA INTERN> 372.25635 934.95156 112.01037 643.63099 66.11814
DYNA CROSS> -162.57195
DYNA EXTERN> -510.99633 -5112.80776 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
DYNA PBEQ> 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -568.99638
DYNA PRESS> -353.72840 -1091.01236 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
DYNAMC> Averages for the last 1000 steps:
AVER DYN: Step Time TOTEner TOTKe ENERgy TEMPerature
---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
AVER> 1000 8.00000 -2057.65453 2156.00003 -4213.65456 305.96406
AVER PROP> 17.92125 -2039.29373 2211.04200 18.36080 1921.78555
AVER INTERN> 363.18688 953.61500 112.06897 654.43045 64.84686
AVER CROSS> -169.40280
AVER EXTERN> -518.55272 -5103.98387 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
AVER PBEQ> 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -569.86334
AVER PRESS> -252.10307 -1029.08730 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
DYNAMC> RMS fluctuations for the last 1000 steps:
FLUC> 1000 8.00000 49.78989 35.67776 31.04984 5.06313
FLUC PROP> 0.27797 50.09829 36.07062 1.83503 1253.71404
FLUC INTERN> 15.74031 23.06225 4.76077 9.58558 5.30811
FLUC CROSS> 5.19069
FLUC EXTERN> 24.04665 27.22222 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
FLUC PBEQ> 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4.95227
FLUC PRESS> 812.62554 353.91923 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
DYNAMC> Averages for the last 4000 steps:
LAVE> 4000 8.00000 -2052.77633 2141.79804 -4194.57437 303.94862
LAVE PROP> 17.88464 -2034.60430 2196.28111 18.17202 1896.01014
LAVE INTERN> 361.96295 947.15760 110.91062 652.65104 63.52176
LAVE CROSS> -168.55470
LAVE EXTERN> -530.31885 -5068.08273 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
LAVE PBEQ> 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -563.82207
LAVE PRESS> -213.35654 -1050.65022 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
DYNAMC> RMS fluctuations for the last 4000 steps:
LFLC> 4000 8.00000 50.02150 34.69968 40.86284 4.92433
LFLC PROP> 0.24895 50.20311 34.80203 1.83324 1180.70724
LFLC INTERN> 15.66991 21.38687 4.44167 11.12535 5.56293
LFLC CROSS> 5.31323
LFLC EXTERN> 24.68744 45.13369 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
LFLC PBEQ> 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 8.04378
LFLC PRESS> 776.24063 343.72819 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

DRIFT/STEP (LAST-TOTAL): 4.43839341E-02 -9.34651893E-03
E AT STEP 0 : -2061.5079 -2015.9066
CORR. COEFFICIENT : 0.25574789 -0.21497533
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 4000
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 4100
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 4200
UPDECI: Nonbond update at step 4300

stderr.txt should look like this...

wcgStepsDone = 3700 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.534800
wcgStepsDone = 3800 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.535200
wcgStepsDone = 3900 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.535600
wcgStepsDone = 4000 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.536000
wcgStepsDone = 4100 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.536400
wcgStepsDone = 4200 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.536800
wcgStepsDone = 4300 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.537200
wcgStepsDone = 4400 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.537600
wcgStepsDone = 4500 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.538000
wcgStepsDone = 4600 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 26 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.538400

[Dec 17, 2009 8:18:23 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
X-Files 27
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 157 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 62 64 65 73
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 159 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 62 64 68 70
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 163 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 70
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 164 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 74
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 165 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 75
EPHIFS> Total of 4840 WARNINGs issued.
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 12 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 109 94 111 110
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 13 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 111 109 113 112
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 14 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 128 113 130 129
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 15 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 130 128 132 131
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 16 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 149 132 151 150
EIPHIFS> Total of 282 WARNINGs issued.
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 4 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 92 94 109 111
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 5 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 109 111 113 128
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 6 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 128 130 132 149
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 7 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 149 151 153 160
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 8 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 160 162 164 175
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 157 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 62 64 65 73
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 159 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 62 64 68 70
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 163 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 70
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 164 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 74
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 165 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 75
EPHIFS> Total of 4840 WARNINGs issued.
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 12 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 109 94 111 110
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 13 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 111 109 113 112
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 14 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 128 113 130 129
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 15 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 130 128 132 131
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 16 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 149 132 151 150
EIPHIFS> Total of 282 WARNINGs issued.
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 4 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 92 94 109 111
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 5 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 109 111 113 128
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 6 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 128 130 132 149
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 7 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 149 151 153 160
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 8 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 160 162 164 175
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 157 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 62 64 65 73
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 159 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 62 64 68 70
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 163 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 70
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 164 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 74
EPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 165 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 64 65 73 75
EPHIFS> Total of 4840 WARNINGs issued.
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 12 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 109 94 111 110
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 13 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 111 109 113 112
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 14 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 128 113 130 129
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 15 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 130 128 132 131
EIPHIFS: WARNING. dihedral 16 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 149 132 151 150
EIPHIFS> Total of 282 WARNINGs issued.
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 4 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 92 94 109 111
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 5 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 109 111 113 128
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 6 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 128 130 132 149
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 7 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 149 151 153 160
ECMAP: WARNING. dihedral 8 is almost linear.
derivatives may be affected for atoms: 160 162 164 175

INFO: No state to restore. Start from the beginning.
wcgStepsDone = 100 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.000400
wcgStepsDone = 200 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.000800
wcgStepsDone = 300 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.001200
wcgStepsDone = 400 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.001600
wcgStepsDone = 500 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.002000
wcgStepsDone = 600 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.002400
wcgStepsDone = 700 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.002800
wcgStepsDone = 800 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.003200
wcgStepsDone = 900 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.003600
wcgStepsDone = 1000 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.004000
wcgStepsDone = 1100 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.004400
wcgStepsDone = 1200 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.004800
wcgStepsDone = 1300 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.005200
wcgStepsDone = 1400 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.005600
wcgStepsDone = 1500 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.006000
wcgStepsDone = 1600 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.006400
wcgStepsDone = 1700 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.006800
wcgStepsDone = 1800 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.007200
wcgStepsDone = 1900 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.007600
wcgStepsDone = 2000 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.008000
wcgStepsDone = 2100 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.008400
wcgStepsDone = 2200 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.008800
wcgStepsDone = 2300 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.009200
wcgStepsDone = 2400 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.009600
wcgStepsDone = 2500 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.010000
wcgStepsDone = 2600 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.010400
wcgStepsDone = 2700 wcgSteps1 = 5000 wcgCyclesDone = 0 wcgCycles = 50 pctComplete = 0.010800


[Dec 17, 2009 8:41:30 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 2 Beta Type A Dec 16 2009

Hmm....I'm going to send this work unit to the researchers. to see if they know what may be happening here.

Thanks for the information...I'll let you know if it should be aborted.
[Dec 17, 2009 8:54:08 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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