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Category: Community Forum: Teams Thread: News from team "Decrypthon" |
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Thread Status: Active Total posts in this thread: 587
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Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Quelle journée!
----------------------------------------What a day! Pendant que l'équipe escalade patiemment la grosse marche qui se trouve devant elle dans les trois classements on aurait pu penser qu'il ne se passerait rien ici! Faux! En plus de quelques marques diverses, la validation accélérée des unités FAAH sous Boinc (voir ailleurs dans le forum) a donné un vrai coup de fouet aux chiffres de la nuit dernière. Et notre nouveau record aux points! Les autres marques sont les 200 ans de calcul et les 200 000 résultats retournés. Avec en plus les 60 millions de points d'ici deux ou trois jours. Félicitations à tous! While the team is patiently escalating the big step that stands in front of it in all three classifications one might have thought that nothing would happen here. Wrong! In addition to a few miscellaneous milestones, the accelerated validation of FAAH WUs under Boinc (see other posts in the forum) has given a big boost to last night's figures. And our new record by points! The other milestones are 200 years of crunching and 200,000 results returned. With the 60 millions points within two or three days. Congratulations to all! August 8, 2007 Previous record |
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Le 5ème millionnaire!
----------------------------------------The 5th millionaire! Presque deux semaines depuis les dernières festivités, désolé pour ce délai. Heureusement l'équipe et ses membres ont gardé la cadence et il y a beaucoup à mettre en lumière aujourd'hui: -- l'équipe a passé la barre des 60 millions de points -- les machines de psbg ont passé les trois millions de points -- l'équipe a gagné quelques places dans tous les classements -- et aujourd'hui les machines de KerSamson deviennent le 5ème millionnaire de l'équipe. Et pendant ce temps de plus en plus de membres ont amené ou migré leurs machines sous l'agent Boinc qui leur permet d'utiliser tout leur "temps libre" plus efficacement qu'avec le vieil agent UD, notamment pour les machines multi-coeurs. A bientôt pour le sixième millionnaire... Almost two weeks since the previous celebrations, sorry about it. Fortunately the team and its members have kept pace and there is much to highlight today: -- the team has passed the 60 millions points mark -- psbg's machines have passed their third million points -- the team jumped a few steps in all classifications -- and today KerSamson's machines are the fifth millionaire of the team. And during all that time more and more members have joined or moved their machines under the Boinc agent which allows them to use all their "idle" time more efficiently than with the old UD agent, especially for the multi-core machines. See you soon for the sixth millionaire...
---------------------------------------- [Edit 1 times, last edit by JmBoullier at Aug 22, 2007 12:26:24 PM] |
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Le 6ème millionnaire!
----------------------------------------The 6th millionaire! Comme attendu il n'a fallu que deux jours pour voir un sixième millionnaire dans l'équipe "Decrypthon". J'espère que cet excellent résultat aura apporté un sourire sur les lèvres de filip_le_triste (je sais, c'est facile). Au moins celà mérite tout notre respect et nos félicitations. Et pendant ce temps Decrypthon a passé une autre équipe dans le classement "par points". Excellent! As expected it has taken only two days to see a sixth millionaire in team "Decrypyton". I hope this excellent achievement will bring a smile on filip_le_triste's lips (I know, it's easy). At least it deserves all our respect and congratulations. And in the meantime Decrypthon itself has jumped another team in the "by points" race. Excellent!
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Montée en puissance
----------------------------------------Powering up Depuis l'article précédent, il y a 6 jours, l'équipe Decrypthon a amélioré ses classements de 2 places dans les courses "par points" et "au temps d'exécution". Également, en l'espace d'une semaine (du 21 au 27 août) elle a amélioré son deuxième meilleur total quotidien 5 fois: 379 817, 384 157, 386 198, 391 021 et 395 918! Le meilleur (413 643) est toujours à battre mais celà pourrait ne pas prendre trop de temps. Cette équipe monte en puissance! Since the previous post, 6 days ago, team Decrypthon has improved its rankings by 2 in the races "per points" and "per runtime". Also, within one week (from August 21 to August 27) it has improved its second daily score 5 times: 379,817, 384,157, 386,198, 391,021 and 395,918! The best (413,643) has still to be beaten but that should not take long now. This team is powering up!
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
5 millions pour Allibe!
----------------------------------------5 millions for Allibe! Les ordinateurs d'Allibe continuent d'empiler les millions de points: la barre des 5 millions a été passée ces jours-ci, pendant que l'équipe dans son ensemble atteignait la 34ème place "aux points" et la 37ème "au temps de calcul". Excellent! Allibe's computers go on piling up millions of points: the 5,000,000 mark has been passed these last days, while the team as a whole was reaching rank 34 "by points" and 37 "by runtime". Excellent!
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
On ne s'endort pas!
----------------------------------------Let's not fall asleep! Heureusement notre équipe ne s'est pas endormie depuis le dernier message mais, quand même, quelques signes de somnolence sont visibles dans les derniers résultats quotidiens. Alors il est temps de réactiver ce fil. Notre progression est plus lente maintenant que nous poursuivons des équipes plus fortes, mais nous progressons toujours. Voyez ci-dessous. Fortunately our team has not fallen asleep since the previous post here but, still, some signs of drowsiness are visible in recent daily figures. Then it's time to reactivate this thread. Our progress is slower now that we are running against stronger teams but we are still progressing. See below. Total team "Decrypthon": ---------------------------------------- [Edit 1 times, last edit by JmBoullier at Sep 29, 2007 9:12:01 AM] |
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Allibe toujours "à fond"!
----------------------------------------Allibe still "full speed"! Certains membres avec une contribution "normale" se demandent peut-être si leur effort est utile. Ils ne devraient pas, il n'y a pas de doute qu'il l'est. En tous cas ce n'est manifestement pas un souci pour Allibe dont les machines gardent la tête dans l'équipe. Leur sixième million n'est pas encore arrivé (ça ne devrait pas prendre longtemps) mais leur temps de calcul dépasse maintenant 11 années et elles ont renvoyé plus de 15 000 résultats! Pas surprenant qu'Allibe fasse aussi partie du Top 300 de WCG "aux points". Très impressionnant! Some team members with "normal" contribution might wonder if their effort is useful. They should not, no doubt it is useful. Anyway this is obviously not a concern for Allibe whose machines are keeping the lead in the team. Their sixth million is still to come (that should not take long) but their run time is now exceeding 11 years and they have returned more than 15,000 results! No surprise that Allibe has also entered WCG's Top 300 "by points". Very impressive! Allibe for the team: |
Master Cruncher Switzerland Joined: Jan 29, 2007 Post Count: 1670 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Dear JmBoullier
----------------------------------------Many thanks for these accurate updates regarding our team progress. Concerning your last post reporting the current ranking trend, I would prefer to use "-" for positive and "+" for negative progress By the way, because many people and governments are currently thinking in terms of environmental protection, I would be interested to establish a kind of "green index" for each device enrolled in grid computing projects. Such an index could represent the computing efficiency of a specific device; e.g. points vs used watts. I would like to know if other crunchers would be interested about it and how practicable a "green ranking" could be ! I wish everybody a great week-end, hopefully a sunny one ! Cheers, |
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Trois étapes importantes pour psbg!
----------------------------------------Three milestones for psbg! Si Allibe court vite c'est aussi le cas de psbg dont les machines sont actuellement aussi efficaces quotidiennement et ont passé récemment trois étapes importantes, à savoir les quatre millions de points, les 10 000 résultats et les dix années de calcul! Manifestement psbg ne veut pas laisser Allibe partir seul devant! psbg fait aussi partie du Top 500 de WCG aux points. If Allibe runs so fast it is the same for psbg whose machines are currently as efficient on daily stats and have recently passed three milestones, namely four million points, 10 000 results and ten years of run time! Obviously psbg does not want to leave Allibe alone ahead! psbg has also entered WCG's Top 500 "by points". psbg for the team: |
Former Community Advisor Normandy - France Joined: Jan 26, 2007 Post Count: 3715 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Many thanks for these accurate updates regarding our team progress. Hi Yves! Many thanks too for not leaving me alone in this thread! About the + and - signs regarding rankings I am always uncomfortable, for example when I read personal stats in BoincStats I have always to think a little before knowing if I am progressing or not! Finally, after thinking of looking for arrow signs which might not show well for everybody I have updated my post replacing the + signs with "up" which should be understandable even for the least English-speaking of our French-speaking team members! Regarding your "green index" that could certainly interest many participants to the WCG fora if I am trusting many recent threads on this topic. However I am glad that you offer to try it because I would not feel like doing such a document myself! Especially since, as you certainly know, this is not as much a concern for French participants as it can be in many other countries. Cheers. Jean. PS: Back to celebrations... Your turn now! |