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Dieter Matuschek
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Re: Welcome to the project!

Also feel free to give WCG the one-digit salute and go elsewhere to crunch projects that are actually doing something. Ebola here is not a project. It is a fund-raising effort. angry
I feel free to respond in another way. I've just donated some bucks to help this Ebola research project which I consider as very important for whole mankind.

Thanks for posting the link to crowdrise!

Ask not what the world can do for you - ask what you can do for the world.
[Jan 2, 2015 11:16:33 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

The website is a great idea. Thanks for suggesting it. It might be a while - I'm overwhelmed with research at the moment! If you'd like to help design a page, I wouldn't say no!
[Jan 5, 2015 12:54:44 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

There will be more. We have several projects in mind. The one we launched immediately is the simple one: to look for potential inhibitors of virus entry into the cell using a newly solved structure in that pathway. We have other structures we are currently building that will be put into the WCG pipeline when they are finished - can't search for drugs against a molecule that isn't fully solved yet. The big project that I really want to do is is to use the volunteer computing resources to understand the "transformer proteins" of Ebola. The central dogma of molecular biology - what we were all taught and hold to be true - is that a protein has one characteristic structure, or shape, and when that structure is solved, we can use it to understand all the biological functions of the protein. We discovered a year ago (Bornholdt, et al. 2013 Cell) that the matrix protein of Ebola forms at least three different structures, each for a different biological function in the virus life cycle. Each structure is essential and it must transition through all of them to propagate itself. Predicting even one protein structural fold is still an extremely complicated endeavor. Predicting three, from the same polypeptide sequence, and understanding how they refold into each other is even more complicated. This computational project would only be possible with the WCG. Understanding these structures and transformations will give us better drugs targets for Ebola. However, there is a much greater insight for biology here. I think other viruses, and perhaps human proteins will do this too. If we can use Ebola as an example to understand this phenomenon, we can search for it elsewhere in biology. It will take us a while to figure out how to do the right modeling, what questions to ask, what parameters to determine. The computer scientistI have hired to do it starts in February, so we will have much more work for the WCG to do then.
[Jan 5, 2015 1:23:30 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

It is both a research project and a fund-raising effort to support the research project. There is no money to be made here - we do everything on very tight research budgets and everything we discover goes into the public domain. The crowdrise fund-raising effort had two goals: (1) $100,000 to buy a critical piece of lab equipment - done. That instrument, an FPLC, removed a major bottle neck in our wetlab pipeline. We direct a global collaboration to find antibody therapies for Ebola virus and had such a tremendous response that we were not able to keep up with the number of samples flooding into the lab. Now that we have the instrument, that problem is solved. (2) The second goal was to fund-raise $75,000 for the salary and health benefits of the scientist we have hired to frame projects for and analyze data from the WCG. We are about $5,000 into that project. You can see some of the questions he would like to ask about Ebola's transformer proteins in a post above.
[Jan 5, 2015 1:27:50 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

The big project that I really want to do is is to use the volunteer computing resources to understand the "transformer proteins" of Ebola. The central dogma of molecular biology - what we were all taught and hold to be true - is that a protein has one characteristic structure, or shape, and when that structure is solved, we can use it to understand all the biological functions of the protein. We discovered a year ago (Bornholdt, et al. 2013 Cell) that the matrix protein of Ebola forms at least three different structures, each for a different biological function in the virus life cycle. Each structure is essential and it must transition through all of them to propagate itself.

It sounds like you're talking about an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) that adopts a different structure depending upon other proteins it comes in contact with. Is that accurate or is it a situation where different chaperone proteins refold the protein into different stable forms? Do most viruses even use chaperonins?

[Jan 5, 2015 2:36:19 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

Thank-you Dr. Saphire for all of that information. It really helps to just get a glimpse of what your team is doing and the challenges ahead. When your team is ready, we'll be ready to do what we do best...crunch the numbers for you. All the best in your preparations and the necessary funding.
[Jan 5, 2015 1:54:14 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

Thank-you Dr. Saphire for all of that information. It really helps to just get a glimpse of what your team is doing and the challenges ahead. When your team is ready, we'll be ready to do what we do best...crunch the numbers for you. All the best in your preparations and the necessary funding.

+1 applause
[Jan 5, 2015 2:18:06 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

Thank you very much Dr. Saphire for letting us know. The informations and the "behind the scenes" are very much appreciated.

[Jan 5, 2015 3:35:34 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

+1 applause for the great information. We love to have this kind of post -- it makes us feel a real part of the process. Thank-you!
[Jan 5, 2015 10:21:13 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Welcome to the project!

Good question about the intrinsically disordered protein - but it's not. It's always ordered as far as we know - just ordered in different forms. A butterfly-shaped dimer (two-part structure) seems to be critical for trafficking about the cell, a ring-shaped octamer (8 parts) binds RNA and controls replication, and a linear hexamer (6 parts) forms the filamentous shell that builds and buds new copies of the virus. This is a nice write-up on it written for an educated layperson:

The important thing about it not being an intrinsically disordered protein is that the existence of multiple structures for it could not have been predicted bioinformatically - just by looking at the sequence. We came upon them quite by accident and then over five years and an awful lot of biological experiments proved that each structure was linked to a different function and that all the structures were identical. The thing about this that I think is revolutionary for biology is that this can not be the only protein that does this. I think other viruses will do it as well - it's an excellent strategy to get a lot of function out of very little genome - more bang for your buck. It makes sense that viruses would do this since they are under evolutionary pressure to maintain a compact genome. However, we could find this in human proteins as well. What if there were a protein involved in cancer that transformed its structures? The possibility that a protein exists in multiple parallel, but distinct 3D structure is not part of our common intellectual framework. We have no high-throughput assay by which we might find out if a cancer were determined by a protein being in the wrong structure. Our high throughput assays look for a mutation (no mutation here, the same wild-type sequence makes them all), or they look for gene on or off or protein present or absent (here the protein is always present - its' just formed differently). The only way we currently have to determine this is the long and expensive labor of love that is experimental structural biology. This is why I want to get a handle on the theoretical and computational parameters by which we can understand this phenomenon and learn if there are rules by which we could find this elsewhere bioinformatically.
[Jan 6, 2015 4:22:40 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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