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How to Get More People Involved

Much of the discussion in this forum understandably centers on technical questions - adding more machines, "me" crunching more numbers, etc.

I'd like to discuss how we can get more individuals involved in this endeavor. There are billions of idle processors out there. Let's see how we can make those idle processors start contributing to science.

According to, "Active users" participating in World Community Grid projects currently number approximately 57,597 individuals. Here is an idea to greatly increase that number.

IBM and WCG should pressure major corporations to commit to making employee's computers run BOINC software for WCG projects by default. If BOINC software really doesn't negatively impact the end user's perceived computer performance (and in my experience, it does not), then there is no legitimate reason why big companies should say no to this. We need to come up with a paradigm where companies commit to donating the processing time on THOUSANDS of idle machines by default.

This will mean thousands of previously non-participating individuals will now be participating. These individuals can then be educated and informed by their company about what their company is doing with their laptop or desktop. The employees can then be encouraged to participate using their own machines at home.

Participating in a WCG project should be an ethical baseline for companies, rather than a "nice thing to do".

[Edit 1 times, last edit by we4qcphi8 at Aug 17, 2016 6:32:16 PM]
[Aug 17, 2016 6:30:40 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

In my opinion, this is going to be a "tough sell" to major corporations. First, there will be the additional power consumption as a result of the BOINC software (couple of amps times as many as 8000 to 10000 machines). This will be significant addition to the expense budget. Secondly, those amps get converted to heat. That heat has to be dealt with presumably with additional air conditioning which is also an add expense. Thirdly, I would think it should be prudent to assume that a percentage of a company's machines will succumb to the heat and need to be replaced which adds to the companies expenses. If that company happens to be in a regulated industry it would be an even tougher sell as they possibly wouldn't be able to recover those expenses in their rate structures which means it would be attributed to shareholders. As long as the company was willing to assume those added expenses in a spirit of charity or philanthropy fine. I don't think you will find many willing to do so..

Just a few thoughts...
[Aug 17, 2016 6:55:39 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

An additional factor is the use of some governmental machines, especially anything to do with the legal profession. The chance of anything being compromised by BOINC running is very small, but not zero, so there are some systems, by the nature of their use, which should be and remain off limits.
Sgt. Joe
*Minnesota Crunchers*
[Aug 17, 2016 7:32:54 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

Thanks for starting this discussion, and thanks to those who have contributed so far. As World Community Grid's new-ish communications person, I'd love to see everyone's ideas.

We have some plans in the works, but volunteers are typically our best recruiters.
[Aug 17, 2016 7:42:42 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

Good points, everyone. Does anyone know if there are any metrics - for the layperson - regarding how much more energy is used by running this software? I would be looking for something practical, that a non-technical person (management) could get their mind around. Something like, "The 20 (average) laptops in this wing would use X more energy on a daily basis while running BOINC at WCG default settings". Does such a metric exist? If not, it may be worth looking into creating such a metric. As we all know, management in corporate American makes decisions based on numbers, and if we can generate legitmate numbers, we can then start to make an "argument".

Also, some of the valid issues you've raised can potentially be offset by arguments such as, "We will turn off the lights, and power down copy machines at these hours, etc.". For instance, where I work, we have monitors that turn off automatically, but they still draw power on standby. We could make a human effort to plug those into cheap power strips (sitting on the desk for easy access), and encourage the habit of turning off the "energy vampires". I sit next to the office printer/copy machine. It is on 24/7/365, and is used once every couple of days. An argument could be made to "shift" that energy usage to something that matters.
[Aug 17, 2016 7:47:29 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

I use the argument that with each successive generation of computers we get, they are more power efficient, the power use gets lower and lower, so using WCG doesn't really add anything for the cost for us. We are also purchasing the Micro sized Dell PCs and they only have a 45W processor, they don't even get close to 100W at full load.
[Aug 17, 2016 7:52:36 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

Additional thoughts...

There is always the security concern in a corporate environment but can be handled by letting the corporate security team certify the app as being safe. However, a bigger issue will probably be the support issue. If it is a default app on a corporate machine who will provide the support for BOINC. The employee may not even know what the app does and if there is an employee that takes an interest, who answers the questions and handles the problem. Additionally, as we have seen recently, should there be an issue like the certificate issue or OpenSSL that requires an update to every machine to make it work, that is not trivial in a corporate environment. There has to be time spent making sure the update doesn't inadvertently break a business function. The support issue could be a significant investment in time for the IT support group.
[Aug 17, 2016 7:58:42 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

@sartaonline, What you are describing is a starting point for power. I agree with your premise but regardless of the generation of the hardware, BOINC will add additional power usage. It's that delta that is the item of concern. The CIO is likely to say that you are right is saying that the company can save money by using newer hardware but just think how much more it could save by NOT running BOINC.
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Doneske at Aug 17, 2016 8:05:51 PM]
[Aug 17, 2016 8:03:56 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

Excellent discussion. Regarding the idea of how it would be a "tough sell" to major corporations (a very valid point) - Maybe it is too much to ask them to do a blanket decree that "all computers in this company shall run BOINC for WCG". But instead, we could focus on getting corporations to do their "fair share".

We could establish a baseline of ethics that says, a company of a certain size must do computational work on 10% of it's machines. Something reasonable like that. A "reasonable ask". This 10% figure (for discussion) can be used to mitigate some of the issues raised above, and spread the "pain" fairly. For instance, any company has, in it hardware stock, "older" hardware. Perhaps these are the machines that should be running BOINC. If running BOINC sends them to the recycler a bit sooner, it is less of an impact than on new machines.

Maybe they do their 10% in their colder, northern location, in the unheated warehouse.

You know, I used to work for a corporate bank, and there was a corporate governance requirement that every officer had to do certain stuff like be a member of a non-profit board. Say what you want, but they really badgered them about it, and they had to do it. Had they not, it would've been a headache for someone in the company who had to fill out a compliance form. My point is that when the expectation is there, things do happen.
[Aug 17, 2016 8:11:28 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: How to Get More People Involved

Not to change the subject, but my idea is a little bit outside of the current theme. I would think that another way to add more interest is to have some kind of graphic (that updates at the end of day) that shows the percentage of the project complete.

We already have them under the research page, but it seems like it gets only update when major news comes from a project. I am assuming that WCG or the researchers give a number of units that they want to crunch and as we get closer a graph showing the number of units left would be a good way of getting volunteers to feel like they are getting somewhere close.

This is already being done for MCM as a sort of weekly update and I love it because I can get to see the trend going steadily down.

I know that it is difficult to put this in place (give WCG's resources), but if there was some sort of daily (or even weekly) update showing how many work units are left for each project that would help current/potential volunteers see that they are actively getting those units done. These info graphics can also be posted on Facebook so that at least the community knows that a lot of work is being done. And if work units are continuously added that is okay as well since this shows researchers are actively looking through the work being produced and adding more. This sort of feature is available from a lot of BOINC projects as a server status page.

However giving the user some sort of a estimate by how much their electric rates will go up (even if that information has to be inputted) would help attract new members as they don't have to guess how much more electricity it will take up.

[Edit 1 times, last edit by vlado101 at Aug 17, 2016 8:35:09 PM]
[Aug 17, 2016 8:33:19 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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