New research content delivery system I just wanted to share that I use COMODO Firewall (FREE, as in free bear), I don't have to do anything to allow this, Digitally signed apps are allowed by default and have full firewall privileges to access Internet, so BOINC won't have a problem, only individual project executables that aren't digitally signed and I grant them full access, so this probably won't affect me at all, this is why I don't need to use Windows Firewall at all, ever. There are other good firewalls out there, so I recommend you get a good 1 to avoid excessive management of it, once set, I don''t need to do anything else, low pop ups, only when needed; if you need help configuring it
check the online help by pressing F1 or visit
Comodo Forums or PM me or reply here, I'll be glad to answer any questions about it.