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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

I hope you'll get a grip on that refusing PC-thing

which I'm sorry is far above my abilities to understand.
You normally do cool
It must have been something of a special experience to set feet on Cuban soil at that particular time.
Were you aware of the seriousness of it all?

Please twirl carefully, rcc, no mishaps.
See you when you get PC domesticated

[Dec 17, 2017 8:58:24 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

LM, I fixed the PC problem as any good IT guy would do.

1.) Reboot.

2.) Restore from an earlier image.

Who has time for finicky PCs, I don't.

When I was in Cuba it was not openly discussed that there was a problem.

The Navy was secretive about most everything.

The base at Leeward Point was full so they put us on the main side of the bay.

Problem with that is that the airfield is too short to land jet fighter planes, so we improvised.

We made an improvised arresting gear from an anchor chain.

Each link was about as big as me.

The chain was so heavy we used a tractor like vehicle to drag it into place.

My main goal was after the day ended, drink Hatuey until the one-eyed Indian had 2-eyes.

The Cubans were not friendly, they would turn off the water supply to the base without warning.

Didn't bother me because aboard ship water was rationed, it was a valuable resource.

Bad enough that there was no hot water available for showers, only cold tap water.

After being in the 120 degrees F outside; tap water was more like ice water.

In the meantime, spent a couple of days in the hospital for intestinal inflammation.

No sleep for 3 days. 5 shots in the belly to prevent blood clots in the legs.

Glad that is almost over.

Take care.
smile Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some battle.

Please join the team The survivors and be a large fish in a small pond hugs
[Dec 26, 2017 1:58:39 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

Good you made your PC perform the way of AT&T
Reboot-restore from an earlier image … hmm..... should be easy but nevertheless gives me goosebumps
- even as I occasionally create a restore point myself on my own initiative which makes me feel rather IT-skilled cool
- the next moment I seem to give the whole wide world access to my mailbox, my still current captain whispered to me d oh
I would think the discussion by the Navy of the real Cuban Missile Crises was kept to the minimum. But you were able to inform yourselves by radio/TV weren’t you?
Have you improved the facilities at Leeward Point in the meantime?
How exactly do you improvise landing jet fighter planes on a too short air strip?
Arresting gear? As in ’road block’? Crassshhh ... thinking
I don’t know your size, but a chain link the size of any man would be a big one.
On my round trip we did not get as far as Guantánamo. It was the classic tourism trail: Havana-Viñales-Cienfuegos-Trinidad.
He-he, they knew how to handle US Navy personel:
cold showers smile ice cold biggrin just to make sure laughing
They still don’t really like you Americans officially. Acoustic terrorism.
Unofficially, I think they like everybody.
They took a horrible beating with hurricane Irma, which destructed much of the little they have. Our meeting point was a small square next to the blue ’Hotel Neptune’ structure.

Hatuey was not a choice when I was in Cuba.
Much depends on current availability, and I didn’t notice any.
Available were well tasting ’Cristal’ practically all of the time and the even better tasting ’Bucanero’ some of the time

Uh-oh, it sounds like a bad attack of belly inflammation. It must have hurt a lot since you couldn’t sleep.
Heparin injections? Did you get to sting yourself? devilish
Would that preventive treatment against blood clots in the legs be standard?

I wish you a quick and full recovery. You have to eat all the time this time of year, at home and when visiting.
You take care yourself till we meet again.

Please join ’The survivors’
rcc is a wonderful captain – he better be as a former Navy man

- if you keep up this pace of posting we might do a decent PR campaign, rcc.
You could conscribe grumpygrampy as well. I never saw one rush in and out of here with such speed!

I didn’t know ’La Guantanamera ’ meant ’the girl form Guantánamo’, was this old and written by José Martí, the Cuban national poet and hero, before I went there.

EDIT: Hard to see: I put in a space where it was needed.
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Former Member at Dec 26, 2017 6:37:18 AM]
[Dec 26, 2017 5:40:50 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

There are just too many problems with android devices running WCG.

They overheat the battery causing it to swell and bulge the case.

Just lost a 7" tablet, swollen battery, now it won't boot.

Have two smartphones that have swollen batteries and failed.

Have one smartphone with 4 cores running 4 tasks.

When it fails, which it will, that is the end of android computing for me.

Still have 3 desktops and a laptop running WCG.
smile Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some battle.

Please join the team The survivors and be a large fish in a small pond hugs
[Jun 10, 2018 8:21:41 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

Have missed you so much RCC love struck

1. Little Mr Jones Sony Xperia E - 1 core negligible heat - good back cover that is not glued - preferred construction of hard, thick plastic
2. Saphir12-Nathalie Sony Xperia M5 - 8 cores can melt the North Pole
worked well until microphone gave in. Trip to Sweden for fixing. Flimsy glued backcover gave way. Back to Sweden. Back cover gave so much way that you could see daylight through it. Back to Sweden. New battery. Back cover giving way in just one day.
3. D - Sony Xperia L1 - 4 cores medium heat. Bought it because Saphir12-Nathalie was more in Sweden than in Denmark. Seem to have a better construction with tougher material, but still glued. On probation.
4. Lenovo tablet let me call him/her Adri - 4 cores cool as a cucumber.
EDIT: Forgot - how could I? My life blood:
5. Lenovo Thinkpad T520 - on hot days cooled this way with a small cutting board under it's belly as per advice from acpartsman. They call it a 'workhorse' - as opposed to 'race horse' and I think it is. Worked for me for ~9 years now.
The letters on the keyboard are giving way though - not important; don't need to look; typewriting all my life.

Have missed you so much love struck
Base Camp needs host teams for trekking. Do you plan on getting more interactive, RCC?

[Edit 1 times, last edit by Former Member at Jun 11, 2018 7:56:13 AM]
[Jun 10, 2018 8:37:49 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

Very high technology cooling solution!

I have 28 cores without the Androids. Only concerned about heat with the AMD chips.

The old Android phones make good inexpensive cameras and they still work over WiFi so they can surf the net. With technological displacement rampant I don't use my phone for voice communications.

If I did replace a PC it would be with an Intel i9 processor. With any luck the existing PCs will continue crunching.

I have not been on here as much because of other things taking my time.

Base camp did this group a great favor by getting it off of the ground and on the scoreboard. Trekking is a great idea.

Will try to look in more often.

Quite the nice signature banner you have.

Grease gun?
smile Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some battle.

Please join the team The survivors and be a large fish in a small pond hugs
[Jun 22, 2018 10:30:16 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

<skip hardware chapters>
I have not been on here as much because of other things taking my time.
You could swirl a little less, perhaps?
I believe you mentioned photography a bit back. Right or wrong?
Will try to look in more often.
Will look forward to that. biggrin
Quite the nice signature banner you have.
Thank you. My banner was given to me by my benefactor OldChap, the 36ish from Team XtremeSystems.
He is a truly generous person.
Grease gun?
I used only to have one tool: The siren's harp. As I age, I feel a need for a new tools.
Grease gun is tested at the Xtremes in order to make it easier for them to slip out for a day or two
to participate in out upcoming treks. In fact I squirt with that grease everywhere I go.
Do you have any potential Base Campers you could entice to give us a helping hand?
I’ll provide bisquits and coffee … just for starters.

I don’t recall. Can you help me?
Was it
dl1000v or nasher who stuck with you after our initial Base Camp trek? I believe nasher suffered from the same ailment as hit you. Am I right?

And the biggest and most important question:
How are you, sailor?

[Jun 25, 2018 9:47:03 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

LM, I do believe you win the prize for ingenuity in recruiting.

I support Base Camp trekking, it really helped this group.

However, I don't have any influence on team members of any team.

I don't know where any of this team's members were before they came here.

I merely asked the question "would you rather be a small fish in a big pond, or a big fish in a small pond?"

At this time our stats are great but only about 4-5 members are active.

Myself, I had to cut back on 24/7/365 crunching because electric bills reached $500 a month.

nasher is also a cancer survivor, I don't remember any details.

My problem was cancer in both kidneys in 2000, had surgery to remove part of each kidney.

I am doing really good, great shape for the condition I am in.

Can I ask an off-topic question? In Denmark is "free" healthcare paid for with a 8% health tax?

Being the "most controversial" member on WCG how are you doing?

Are you keeping everyone in line?
smile Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some battle.

Please join the team The survivors and be a large fish in a small pond hugs
[Jun 30, 2018 7:31:14 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

So nice to see you back so fast biggrin
LM, I do believe you win the prize for ingenuity in recruiting.
Thank you. So how come the results are rather skinny, rcc? devilish
I support Base Camp trekking, it really helped this group.
You’re welcome. You just thanked Base Camp for the 119th time. biggrin
It was a pleasure to be able to give you that boost and some publicity.
These days we do not have many fledgling teams like yours to ’attack’, but we scrutinize any possibility popping up.
The trek we start tomorrow is pure R&R and hygge.
I merely asked the question "would you rather be a small fish in a big pond, or a big fish in a small pond?"
And that was a darned good question – as is your slogan.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
I think about it ever so often and sometimes I am kinder than necessary,
sometimes I weigh how much kinder I need to be ..... wink

$500 a month for electricity is not sustainable to an average household.

Yes, I remember your kidney cancer. I think about it often.
I’m so happy you feel so well and wish it will continue for many, many years.

Then it was nasher who joined you because he felt you and he had something in common.
dl1000v was he who stuck with you after the trek to be a big fish in a small pond.
Being the "most controversial" member on WCG how are you doing?
laughing ’Controversial’ – nice way of putting it! In Danish we would say something to the effect of 'a catfish in the fish tank' ....
Thank you, rcc, I have never been happier in my life. When you have tried being down, really down,
you value your desire to live above pretty much everything else. I remember you mailing me words of encouragement.
I was unable to give an answer to your kind gesture.
I also lost your e-mail. Would you mind sending me a line so I can restore it?
My physical health is contained. Breast cancer 7-9-13 (touch wood in Danish) has not let herself been heard from since. Actually, I just began thinking of having a booby job done!!
The one that was little to begin with is really small after the surgery - the other one sags .... I’m so asymmetrical … crying laughing
My fibromyalgia is manageable if I listen to my intuition and instincts.
See, you should never have asked!!! biggrin
I have something called post thrombotic syndrome which cause legs to swell on and off as an aftereffect from blood clots in my legs caused by a mutation of one of the coagulation factors, but they usually mend themselves; this time they are slow; I violated my instincts and took Vagifem - HRT - with grave side effects. One of them I suspect caused the blood clot in my heart which everybody was so wonderful fixing from the moment I called the doctor on watch that night and he said:
’Leave your door unlocked. Someone will come and help you.’
And they did.
And it was free all the way it felt; we pay taxes in solidarity. And on to your
Can I ask an off-topic question? In Denmark is "free" healthcare paid for with a 8% health tax?
Of course you can. It's your team thread, and to me nothing is off-topic.
Our health tax this year is 1% after deductions. It was 8% some years ago, but they rearrange all our taxes all the time.
I have a competition with myself trying to calculate my taxes – a budget and the final thing.
I never hit it right. A +/- of some $200 is very good!
To give you a ball park idea:
With an income of gross ~ $25,000 I would pay a total of $7,500 in taxes.
That is inclusive of the health and property taxes. And I don’t mind.
Some gets wasted, but most is spent on education, health and welfare in a reasonable manner
with very little abuse or corruption.
Are you keeping everyone in line?
Do you mean 'on leash'?
No, I’m not keeping everyone in line, rcc. It cannot be done and should not.
I like everyone’s more or less wild personalities. They are alive for me in my imagination as also you are love struck

[Jun 30, 2018 9:05:01 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Veteran Cruncher
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Re: Looking for survivors to join Team "The survivors"

Where do you find the time?
I have a lot going on so don't think I am ignoring you.
Take care, you are quite special to this group.
smile Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some battle.

Please join the team The survivors and be a large fish in a small pond hugs
[Aug 5, 2018 3:22:41 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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