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confused Panda Sotware Antivirus problem

First report of a possible problem with Panda Software antivirus programs.
I found that my connection was pausing just after it had loaded a new agent. This started happening after an update to my PANDA virus checker last Friday. I find that if I disable PANDA for a few seconds the new agent starts up, and then keeps going when I have re-enabled PANDA.

Can anyone else confirm or deny this problem?

Looking at I find that they are advertising their new TruPrevent Technology 2005 for 3 different antivirus products, which is supposed to stop "unknown" viruses even in software updates. Here is what I have copied off their site:
Panda Software users now have Platinum Internet Security 2005 and Titanium Antivirus 2005, which include TruPrevent Technologies, at their disposal.

Panda TruPrevent Personal 2005

Why do you need TruPrevent Personal 2005?

It detects and blocks unknown viruses and intruders

To be able to detect viruses, an antivirus needs to have a record of it in its Virus Identifier File. However, many latest generation viruses, such as Sasser, Netsky or MyDoom, spread almost instantly, infecting thousands of computers even if they have an antivirus installed as this protection can't be updated in time.

TruPrevent Personal 2005 does what other antivirus products can't do: it analyzes the behavior of programs that your antivirus lets in, seeking out and immediately blocking those that turn out to be unknown viruses.

What are the requirements for TruPrevent Personal 2005?

For users of antivirus products other than Panda Software's

If you have an antivirus from a manufacturer other than Panda, you need TruPrevent Personal 2005. It is designed especially to protect your computer without you having to change your antivirus.

How does TruPrevent Personal 2005 work?

Automatically and rapidly

TruPrevent Personal 2005 protects your computer without you noticing. Right from the outset, it keeps a sharp but discreet eye on the programs that your antivirus has let in, blocking any that could be dangerous.

Does anybody know of a way to tell this program how to ignore World Community Grid programs?

[Jan 10, 2005 9:24:48 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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