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Master Cruncher
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Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

As for now, WCGis funded by 2 forms of donations:
1. a money from IBM
2. an electricity (by computer power, user donations)

To make a Life easier to us, WCG team could make a "yearly report" (from 01.01.2015. till 23.12.2015.) of the totaly hours used by the computer (not CPU hours, a device hours) & make a statement of "donation of electric power for humanitarian cloud computing" with an average of:
- 150 or 200Wh used for CPU based computer
- 300 to 500Wh used for GPU based computer (not relevant now, but will be in future)
(WCG team should choose averages for all users).

That way anyone can put that in their "tax return" policy & get a refund of money for already paid taxes on electricity bills, if the IRS or equivalent in their state acknowledges it as a donation.

That way a returned money can be reinvested in:
- donations to scientists (like SRI for OET project)
- computer development
- something else...

What do you think? cool
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Edit 3 times, last edit by KLiK at May 25, 2015 10:53:22 AM]
[May 25, 2015 9:45:48 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

What? No response from anyone? Not even from a team...
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Jun 1, 2015 6:43:09 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Senior Cruncher
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

It seems to me that this is already possible (in the UK) in that capital 'donations' to charity qualify for tax relief.

This assumes that the Revenue gathering body is prepared to certify WCG, and the capital costs of buying, running and maintaining a computer:

"Donations by individuals to charity or to community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) are tax free. This is called tax relief. The tax goes to you or the charity. " (UK IR)

And, rather than ask WCG to take on the overhead of certifiying such power usage, it should be possible for the user's computer to provide that directly.

APC's range of power supplies already collect and quantify power usage for instance. My i7-2600K, screen, and IP phone cost £0.33p per day to run.

But, as an analogue, I feel it's no more going to happen than if I try to claim back the tax on the gasoline I use for driving donations to the local thrift store.

However, if it did happen I feel that it would provide an incentive to recruitment for WCG.

(An interesting debate: SETI is a 'charity'. Should we similarly be able to claim tax relief for searching for aliens? )

[Edit 1 times, last edit by Hardnews at Jun 1, 2015 7:47:44 AM]
[Jun 1, 2015 7:44:04 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

Thanks for answer...I know that similar tax returns are available in Croatia (also member of EU).

But, a donations which is monitored only by & always will be questionable! More imporatntly in tax collector eyes...

If a instititution, such as WCG, makes a "yearly donation per user" in a form:
1st page - a frame referance in color (so that you can make a frame above your bed or put in your apartment) for a total number of device (computer) hours for user
2nd page - a list of all devices which have done calculations, with listed hours & returned results...with total at the bottom.

When a tax collector see that kind of paper, it would be legit. And it's up to us to calculate the hours for spent electricity. & put the amount in yearly tax report, under donations.

What do we get that way?
A money back for donated electricity for computation.

How can that help?
For me (I'm not saying that it's wise, just my oppinion):
1. It can help run our computers next year in eletricity bills.
2. Buy new equipment, faster computers, rebuild the old ones, put new parts in some

Will it also attract the people to WCG?
Certainly it WILL! ;)

Btw, if you get a tax return if you donate the money to SETi@home acccount...why wouldn't you also get money for donated eletricity (computing)?!
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Jun 1, 2015 9:15:04 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

The idea is good in theory, but difficult to implement in practice. I think it would be difficult to convince the taxman.
[Jun 1, 2015 8:05:36 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

The idea is good in theory, but difficult to implement in practice. I think it would be difficult to convince the taxman.

the problem with the taxman is the problem each of taxpayer (each of us) has to take...

but to convince them without the list from WCG, would be even tougher... wink
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Jun 2, 2015 6:22:43 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

I was just on the phone with a "tax advisor expert" in Croatia (from RRiF) & they confirmed that tax collectors would need a proof (certificate) in which is stated:
1. amount of time spent on the devices for calculating results
2. amount of results returned (as a product of a service given)
without it, I couldn't get tax return for the spent electricity.
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Jun 10, 2015 6:27:59 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

The idea is good in theory, but difficult to implement in practice. I think it would be difficult to convince the taxman.

the problem with the taxman is the problem each of taxpayer (each of us) has to take...

but to convince them without the list from WCG, would be even tougher... wink

Given that under My Contribution the data from My Contribution History and Device Statistics with device power measurements could provide enough information for the taxing authorities.

[Jul 16, 2015 11:54:51 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

Exactly...maybe some way of Excel export can be managed by #WCG 4 us users? wink
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Jul 17, 2015 6:07:05 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Still Alive
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Re: Suggestion for a yearly donations of electricity?

+ 1 KLIK

it's a good idea of yours KLIK.

Here in Germany, you can support charitable associations with money and the donation settle partially the tax office.
Computing power is indeed a donation in the sense.
As evidence, but then you need a official paper of WCG on the service provided.
I hope that you can settle the tax office, the computing power (energy costs) in the near future.

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[Edit 1 times, last edit by Still Alive at Jul 17, 2015 10:53:33 AM]
[Jul 17, 2015 10:48:56 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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