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Richard Mitnick
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This project is perfect for older computers

The way the work units are structured for this project, they are ideal for getting solid work done on older computers. This is my surmise:

The 8 hour work unit is broken into small tasks, which might run a few minutes each. I am assuming that this means satisfactory completion on however many of the small tasks get done in the 8 hour period, with an appropriate bestowal of points/credits for those tasks.

I am running this project on two PIII's. They run other BOINC projects, and not exactly the same projects. So if Rice loads a WU on each machine with the same 8 hour duration, if the Report Deadline date is the same, one machine might actually get more work done than the other.

So, let's get out of the cellar and attic all of that old hardware and put it to work.

If my surmise is incorrect above, someone please tell me, because I am going to be proselytizing everyone around me who has said that their computers are too old to be useful.

[May 15, 2008 5:42:19 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

Looking at the low resources this project uses then what your saying seems fine to me.

The only thing I would comment on is the work/cost basis - although very old computers will do as many wu's in 24 hours as any other, the amount of data produced within the units will be relatively low so you also need to consider the cost factor of running those machines against the amount of data they produce.
[May 15, 2008 6:04:09 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

Old computer are still old computer and often power inefficient. It's because the Rice jobs run fixed 8 CPU hours and have very small system requirements that they are perfect for part time crunchers even on P3 with Windows 98SE. Leaving very old machines on 24/7 just to crunch these is in ratio to the number of Units of Data versus Electricity not best practice.

JmBoullier summarized it in this post:

My recommendation is to choose the specially created WCG Power Saving profile. The client will then pause after 20 minutes of none keyboard/mouse use (default). After that if the computer has a sleep mode feature it will automatically switch off. This facilitates crunching in background that nobody notices, yet with very very little extra electricity allows volunteer participation in the maximum green way. Walk away or forget the computer and it will go to sleep.

That said: If the member wishes to let these machines run longer, these contributions are equally much appreciated in furthering the research into better rice types.

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[May 15, 2008 6:09:41 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

The different way of assigning tasks for different projects could be interesting, i.e. any computer gets 8 hours worth of work for rice. Some slow computer users had objected to a 5 hour task on a fast computer taking three days on their system.
Work+GPU i7 8700 12threads
School i7 4770 8threads
Default+GPU Ryzen 7 3700X 16threads
Ryzen 7 3800X 16 threads
Ryzen 9 3900X 24threads
Home i7 3540M 4threads50%
[May 15, 2008 7:52:56 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Richard Mitnick
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

Sek and Ady-

You know, I am sure you are right about power. But, I live in a leaky 100 year old colonial, with power everything; two refrigerators; four entertainment systems, not on all at once, but there if I want to go room to room; central air. We try to shut out lights when we leave rooms, but we are far from green. I am told that the cost of runnng my PIII laptop, 1 gig CPU, 512 megs DRAM is about the cost of a 100 watt bulb in the same time period. If that is true, then I am not going to diminish my crunching for saving power.

And, I am not in it for points, credits, etc. I am in it because I love it, because it is a way for me to give back, to contribute to society in a global way, a society which has given me much. I love SETI, I really love C.E.R.N.; protein folding may be our best answer to many ills; my family has been touched by Cancer-whose has not? Pulsars and the Milky Way are cool.

And, I love screen savers!! So, I run them. They are "cool", and, witness Rice, just getting cooler.

So, let me know if I am nuts.

Here is a real question, I was going to post elsewhere (where?). I am running HCC on my dual cores. I do not want to run HCC on m my PIII's, but I do want to run Rice on them. I looked for settings and could not find any. My PIII's are not showing up yet in My Devices because they just went back on WCG last night and have not finished anything.How and when can I configure it so that I run HCC and Rice on the dual cores, and just Rice on the PIII's?

I mean, you know, I could do the PIII's under a different ID, but that screws up my CPID, and I want to live under one roof.

So, unless I am wrong about the light bulb thing, I will just plod on, 24/7/365 on 2 PIII's, 165 hrs/week on one Core 2 Duo, 135 hrs/week on another Core 2 Duo.

Many thanks, I speak for the whole army out here, for the hours you and your colleagues put in keeping us afloat.

[May 15, 2008 9:18:41 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers


Simply create a new BOINC profile, select the project(s) you want to link to that profile (choose Custom radio button in profile for further refinements). After, visit Device Manager and associate the specific device to a profile.

a domani
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[Edit 3 times, last edit by Sekerob at May 15, 2008 9:35:46 PM]
[May 15, 2008 9:23:35 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

So, let me know if I am nuts.

Yep.....your nuts!! laughing

...but then again many of us here are silly
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Former Member at May 15, 2008 9:29:14 PM]
[May 15, 2008 9:28:53 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

There is nothing wrong with the PIII's. I run three, sometime four of them and although I do not run them 24/7 I do run them when I am at home. I have restricted them to DDDT and Rice. They are a variety of speeds from 400 mghz to 900 mghz. The 900 benches almost the same as a 1.6 ghz P4. They are good enough to be productive. I did make a decision to retire an AMD K2, which although reliable, was just too slow. It would do the jobs but was just not cost efficient. I gave it to someone who needed a machine and they are quite happy with it. I say if you feel they can be productive go for it.
BTW 165 hours a week? Do you shut down for 3 hours ? smile
Sgt. Joe
*Minnesota Crunchers*
[May 16, 2008 12:17:45 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

Well, if it's nuts to run P-III's, then I'm totally balmy.

I've been running P-III's for years under and now WCG. Eight of them still crunch away 24/7. Mind you, 3 of them are Tualatins which have more zip than most early versions of P-IV's. Nobody wants slow P-III's, so they may as well sit here and keep my room warm.
[May 16, 2008 2:04:07 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Richard Mitnick
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Re: This project is perfect for older computers

First, gunner, I am sure that Ady was just just teasing.

Second, I am running Spinhenge, Proteins@home, and Rosetta, along with WCG on the PIII's. The reason that I am running them is that they have WU's short enough to succeed on the machines.

HCC will never succeed on my PIII's, the WU's are too long.

Thanks for the help.

[May 16, 2008 12:06:13 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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