The winners, chosen using RandomNum, are…
Winner #1
#35 jcsmaestra
Winner #2
#94 jordanbev5
Winner #3
#65 wimom
Winner #4
#39 shoorn
Winner #5
#81 QueenBee89
Congrats to Mary, Beverly, Ronda, Susan, and Brandi! I have sent out your gift cards. Thanks to everyone that participated!
It's gift card time again Cherries! The challenge is to pick a gift card from the selection below and use it for inspiration for your layout, card, planner, or craft project. You can be inspired by any aspect of the gift card… the colors, objects on the gift card, and/or the design itself. Please let us know which gift card image you chose and what it was about it that inspired you. And most of all… have fun!

Open to paper, digi, cards, planners, crafts, or whatever this inspires you to create.
Since there are a lot of gift cards to choose from I am allowing multiple submissions up to a limit of 8, as long as each submission is from a different gift card… no multiple submissions from the same gift card. Because I am allowing so many submissions I will be picking multiple winners.
You may combine with one other challenge that allows combining and you may also add to the Prompts Challenge if there is one.
Since I am posting this so late in the month I am going to be running it into January. I like to give 2 full months because there are so many choices. Post your submission to this thread by January 19th. Multiple random winners of all participants will receive a $5 ACOT GC from me!
I hope you all have fun with this and get lots of inspiration from these gift cards.
I am finding all these gift cards so inspiring and had trouble picking which one I wanted to use for my layout. The one I did choose is the Walmart Halloween gift card. I was inspired by the tan background along with it's orange, yellow, and black colors, and the touch of green in the cats eyes inspired a few of the flower centers (one of the beauties of digi, changing colors). I also was inspired by the Halloween theme, especially the hanging spider and the jack-o-lantern. Pic is of my sweet JJ dressed as Wednesday Addams, just before going out to trunk or treat this past October. I hope to do more layouts using some of the other gift cards as inspiration, and if I do get to doing any I will post them here.

1. wazzu94
2. traveler
3. traveler
4. Breauxlabs
5. VickiR
6. Mommyof5
7. suewho372
8. wimom
9. Karyn_Sue
10. ScrappyRN74
11. ScrappyRN74
12. ScrappyRN74
13. ScrappyRN74
14. ScrappyRN74
15. Cynthia Corbett
16. wimom
17. wimom
18. wendycrowe
19. stinkerbelle
20. ScrappyRN74
21. ScrappyRN74
22. ScrappyRN74
23. LoreenC
24. Karyn_Sue
25. SandyK1967
26. lilkoala3
27. lilkoala3
28. lilkoala3
29. Trek
30. stinkerbelle
31. Karyn_Sue
32. stinkerbelle
33. LoreenC
34. Karyn_Sue
35. jcsmaestra
36. jcsmaestra
37. SandyK1967
38. SandyK1967
39. shoorn
40. stinkerbelle
41. stinkerbelle
42. stinkerbelle
43. Trek
44. QueenBee89
45. wazzu94
46. traveler
47. Birgit55~Chickadee
48. jordanbev5
49. Donna_Coughlin
50. Donna_Coughlin
51. stinkerbelle
52. Karyn_Sue
53. lilkoala3
54. lilkoala3
55. SandyK1967
56. lisn2cats
57. Karyn_Sue
58. VickiR
59. SandyK1967
60. Nana01
61. stinkerbelle
62. sherriscraps
63. mizz_kitty21
64. wendycrowe
65. wimom
66. LoreenC
67. Art_Teacher
68. lisn2cats
69. SandyK1967
70. Amy Jo
71. CelesteB
72. shoorn
73. lisn2cats
74. mizz_kitty21
75. mizz_kitty21
76. MTCanuk
77. MTCanuk
78. Nana01
79. rkokes
80. Scrapqueen141
81. QueenBee89
82. lilkoala3
83. Karyn_Sue
84. wazzu94
85. traveler
86. jcsmaestra
87. SandyK1967
88. SandyK1967
89. VickiR
90. Karyn_Sue
91. lisn2cats
92. scrapsteph
93. Karyn_Sue
94. jordanbev5
95. mandy lee
96. wazzu94
97. wazzu94
98. wazzu94
99. wazzu94
100. wazzu94
101. wazzu94
102. ScrappyDistractions
103. LMTscraps
104. LMTscraps