Good morning cherries. Barb touched base with Susan and I. She appreciates the cherry thoughts/prayers. Her mother's service was nice but emotional, which is to be expected. She's hoping to be back on the boards in a few days but I told her no rush at all. She takes all the time she needs. There is no Rule in the Book of Loss where you must bounce back in a certain amount of time. Each person is different. Each person grieves differently. Each person's loss is different. Losing a mother can be easy for one person, or might be detrimental for one person. Nobody is going to judge a person based on how they grieve.
Anyways, enjoyed the weather yesterday knowing it would all go away overnight. Which it did. I still went on my walk but ick...
There is so much'd think it'd be raining. But nope! 76 degrees with 97% humidity and zero wind. I almost turned around but I kept trucking.
Threw towels in the washer, and started working on the grocery list for the upcoming week. Need to take care of some emails that came in last night after I was done with the day, then move onto reviewing a report for my client.
Hope y'all have a great day!