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Cherry Crush

OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
After a completely pleasant start to my day, I am now sitting here trying to even breathe.  DH just called to let me know he's losing his job.  I know that we're nothing special and this happens to thousands of people everyday.  I'm not handling this very well.

He's been with Macy's (the tech side) for what would have been 30 years on February 28.  Thirty years.  He's a smart guy.  Never had a bad performance review, and in theory should be very employable.  But, he's in his 50's now.  Companies will only see his age group as a liability now because of how much they will have to pay him (based on experience), how much it will be to insure him, etc.  He's a little cocky about that.  I'm terrified.  Oh, I should say that it's not just him that's losing his job, they are closing his entire tech center which employs around 250 people.  They are also closing the same-type center in San Francisco.  So, tons of good people are losing their jobs.

They were only kind enough to tell people they were losing their jobs.  They said they would release more details about severance and benefits "later". How can they do that "later"?  People need to start making arrangements NOW. 

I'm starting to spiral over things like insurance.  My ds and I need insurance.  We're both seeing specialists and both use the insurance the most.  I'm worrying about losing our doctors.  Even though it's to early to know anything for sure, I'm worrying about my house.  I love my house. 

As timing/luck would have it, I have a job interview later this month.  I'm not the bread winner -- any salary I make will not come anywhere near what he is bringing home, but I guess I have to see it as a start.

Thanks for letting me ramble.  I'm just so worried.  And so sad.  :greensad:
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Addict

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Oh Laura.....I am so sorry. I’ve been through that and know that it can be terrifying. It took us years to get back on track. We cashed in some of our 401k’s and then got hit at tax time. If it wasn’t for my parents leaving us some money, we would still be inbig trouble.

Unfortunately this seems to be happening more and more. Last Thursday it was announced that the company I retired from was closing that facility at the end of May and that everyone was losing their jobs.

My only words of advice is to take the day to panic. Then tomorrow, take a fresh look at the situation and start making plans.

** Chris **

My blog:

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Cherry Addict

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
And good luck with the interview.
** Chris **

My blog:

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Cherry Picker

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Laura I am sorry to hear this. Its okay to feel the way you are feeling, just keep pushing forward. Good luck with your interview. I have been through this with my husband too, two years in a row in fact. I am praying for your family.
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Gail R

Cherry Garcia

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
DH and I went through this, as well.  It was a shock, for sure after being with the same company for 25 plus years.  All I can offer is what Chris said, panic today, then tomorrow start making plans.  Good luck with your interview.
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Cherry Addict

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
So sorry .  You know our story of what we have been through over the past few years. Sending  Hugs,  Love you friend.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Laura wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:28 am
After a completely pleasant start to my day, I am now sitting here trying to even breathe.  DH just called to let me know he's losing his job.  I know that we're nothing special and this happens to thousands of people everyday.  I'm not handling this very well.

He's been with Macy's (the tech side) for what would have been 30 years on February 28.  Thirty years.  He's a smart guy.  Never had a bad performance review, and in theory should be very employable.  But, he's in his 50's now.  Companies will only see his age group as a liability now because of how much they will have to pay him (based on experience), how much it will be to insure him, etc.  He's a little cocky about that.  I'm terrified.  Oh, I should say that it's not just him that's losing his job, they are closing his entire tech center which employs around 250 people.  They are also closing the same-type center in San Francisco.  So, tons of good people are losing their jobs.

They were only kind enough to tell people they were losing their jobs.  They said they would release more details about severance and benefits "later". How can they do that "later"?  People need to start making arrangements NOW. 

I'm starting to spiral over things like insurance.  My ds and I need insurance.  We're both seeing specialists and both use the insurance the most.  I'm worrying about losing our doctors.  Even though it's to early to know anything for sure, I'm worrying about my house.  I love my house. 

As timing/luck would have it, I have a job interview later this month.  I'm not the bread winner -- any salary I make will not come anywhere near what he is bringing home, but I guess I have to see it as a start.

Thanks for letting me ramble.  I'm just so worried.  And so sad.  :greensad:

((((Laura)))) I am so sorry to hear this! I know the bottom-dropping-out feeling.  I agree with Chris saying panic today and then put the big girl panties on to deal with everything else tomorrow.  Hopefully the "later" will be sooner rather than later for the information and I'm praying for a good severance package. 30 years doesn't deserve this :( I am really empathizing with you because something similar is going on with me. I've been freelancing since 2001, have worked with Harlequin in various freelance roles since then and something fishy is going on with them. They are my bread and butter. There are new freelance laws going into affect in NY / NJ / CA and I'm really having to reassess everything because that could dry up my work completely. I haven't gotten any work since before Christmas and while I"m not the breadwinner either, we need my income to survive. So I have also been having the panic attacks etc. I am 48yo and haven't been in an office environment in 20 years - who's going to want me? What kind of job are you interviewing for? Good luck!!
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Bing

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
I'm so sorry to hear this.  I hope he finds a good position, and that you do too!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Oh no, Laura!! I'm so sorry to hear this and know exactly how you're feeling. It was many, many years ago DH was unemployed from the Coal Mine and shortly after I was caught in an employee downsizing at a chemical plant. Many people were let go immediately, I was kept under a temporary agency with no benefits and less money. Our 3 kids were very little at the time. Of course we were immediately in a panic, but things worked out. DH eventually got an even better job which he still has and I was able to stay home with our young kids.

Things will work out in time. Take a deep breath and try to take it one thing at a time. Hugs! I'm always here for you.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Also, this has happened in our area with big plants shutting down and DH's company hired several 50+ aged men.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Laura, so sorry to hear this! I hate the unknown! Hugs!!! As I seriously contemplate retiring. My dh retired at 55 and we have been fine. I am not the main bread earner either. I pray things will work out for your family.


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
I have been through this the last few years - at least they are laying him off and he can draw unemployment (after the severance runs out).  Be prepared to pay the high Cobra premiums.  We went to lovely Obamacare insurance for a while; my premiums were more than my house payment.  If you will be making less maybe you can qualify for a credit on your insurance premiums?  Good luck with the interview and hope everything goes along well.  
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Cherry Cropper

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Oh Laura, this is terrible!  I agree with what Chris said and panic today - tomorrow, start dealing with making plans.  This happened to us several years ago - although my dh hadn't been there 30 years.  He was the breadwinner and was let go right before coming back from a work related injury that required surgery.  I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers! 
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Oh my goodness... I am so sorry to hear this Laura!  I am also the worrier, panic stricken one in the family as well and always go to the worse possible scenario possible.  Why do we do that?? It is just added torment!  Try your best to focus on other things and your interview!   Vent as much as you need to here.  We got your back :)    
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Cherry Garcia

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Oh, no, Sad and Scary! I agree with the cherries, just stress today and then get a positive attitude! Maybe your husband will get a better job,, you never know! You may also get a better job ! I am totally sure your DH is very employable ! Hoping for good news with his benefits! I know how nervous you must be! Insurance is my biggest problem also, but there are always options to look at ! 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
It sounds as though many of us have gone through this, or similar. Several years ago my DH and I BOTH worked for the same company. Early December that year they announced they would be closing the doors end of year. We BOTH lost our jobs the same day.Scary...yes! Panic, I did. But, have faith that things will work out. We ended up with better jobs, which I have now retired, and DH loves his work. You know the saying, when one door closes, another opens. Believe this to be true, something better is around the corner. HUGS!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Laura wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:28 am
After a completely pleasant start to my day, I am now sitting here trying to even breathe.  DH just called to let me know he's losing his job.  I know that we're nothing special and this happens to thousands of people everyday.  I'm not handling this very well.

He's been with Macy's (the tech side) for what would have been 30 years on February 28.  Thirty years.  He's a smart guy.  Never had a bad performance review, and in theory should be very employable.  But, he's in his 50's now.  Companies will only see his age group as a liability now because of how much they will have to pay him (based on experience), how much it will be to insure him, etc.  He's a little cocky about that.  I'm terrified.  Oh, I should say that it's not just him that's losing his job, they are closing his entire tech center which employs around 250 people.  They are also closing the same-type center in San Francisco.  So, tons of good people are losing their jobs.

They were only kind enough to tell people they were losing their jobs.  They said they would release more details about severance and benefits "later". How can they do that "later"?  People need to start making arrangements NOW. 

I'm starting to spiral over things like insurance.  My ds and I need insurance.  We're both seeing specialists and both use the insurance the most.  I'm worrying about losing our doctors.  Even though it's to early to know anything for sure, I'm worrying about my house.  I love my house. 

As timing/luck would have it, I have a job interview later this month.  I'm not the bread winner -- any salary I make will not come anywhere near what he is bringing home, but I guess I have to see it as a start.

Thanks for letting me ramble.  I'm just so worried.  And so sad.  :greensad:
Laura, I'm so sorry to hear this news....  It is so stressful at times like this.  My DH lost his job at a similar age along with our healthcare, life insurance, and a lot of purchased stock that we had in the company.  We had to start all over and my eye issues prevented me from working to help.  I have to agree with Chris on this...take time to freak out and then look at it in a new perspective tomorrow.  It doesn't go away and attitude helps us deal with things like this.  I'm sure your hubby is concerned too, but trying to stay solid for everyone.  Hugs to you and good luck with your interview!  Stay strong!
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Cherry Bark

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Laura, I am so very sorry this is happening to ya'll. My parents has had to deal with that THREE times. My dad got laid off in 1982 (entire plant shut down), 2000 (laid off because of his age/experience and his HAZMAT training). And again in 2014 due to medical issues and again, his age/experience. What helped them out with the 3rd one (just like Chris) is that Dad came into money from his parents when they passed away.

I know you are scared. I know you feel like you are going to have to START OVER. And that scares you. Its understandable. But I promise, you guys will find a way. Start trimming the budget now.

Good luck with your interview and I really do hope you get the job. Just keep that chin up high and don't let this obstacle get you down. You will be okay. You got this.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Rachel Kent

ACOT Employee

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
So sorry Laura! That is incredibly stressful. Sending you hugs and prayers  💗💗
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Cherry Cola

Re: OK, Cherries, I need to talk.
Laura - so sorry to hear this! I can emphasize with you. DH went through this and it was so hard for us - financially and emotionally. With men, a lot of their identity and confidence is wrapped up in their jobs and when they lose them it is a blow to their ego and vision of themselves. It was really hard. 

Saying prayers for you!
Hi everyone!     My name is Susan and I love to scrapbook!

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