I told you girls – or rather hinted – that this one would be a little more difficult. . . and it is. . . sorta.
All the new Summer TV shows are on, and most are crime dramas – at least they are where I live. SO. . .
Who gets into more mischief than our animals/pets/friends????
So you are thinking “Oh, I have a photo of my dog chewing up that shoe!” - I don’t care. Well I DO care, but that’s not the challenge, that would be TOO TOO easy. I want you to arrest him/her or whatever your pet is, and get a stamp pad out or a marker and make a paw print on your page. Yep.
Now if you don’t have a pet that you can do this to (be it that you don’t own one, or you’ll lose and eye or arm if you try) – there’s a plan “B”. Just download clipart of your featured pet/animal's tracks and use that. But I really want you pet owners to give the paw print a whirl. Just think what it will mean to have it years in the future!
And of course, here’s a sketch for this month . . You do not have to use it, it’s there for inspiration!
Can’t wait to see these criminals. . . .