Okay, with NSD and going out of town, and work, I've been SUPER busy and a tad forgetful lately...

random.org has picked blfonty as the winner! I am sending out your GC shortly. Thanks for playing along!
It’s hard to believe April is already here! April brings with it warmer temps (hopefully for some of you!) and the wonderful colors of Spring. It also means that hopefully we’ll be able to go camping finally this month! And my husband’s birthday and his dad’s too. Lots of things going on!
As I did last month, as long as no one objects, this month will again be a Christmas OR Other Holiday challenge. I’ve gathered a list of Monthly, weekly, and daily Holidays and wacky celebrations that are held in April, for your scrapping pleasure. This is not a complete list, as I’ve removed some, but I think all of these could easily be used as inspiration for a scrapbook page – or two! I’ve actually got a couple pages in mind myself after reading this list!
Option 1: Since everyone seems to really like the mood board idea, this option will give you a chance to use a mood board! Make a Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa scrapbook page/card/December Daily/Journal Your Christmas etc. using this mood board as inspiration. Please say which part of the mood board inspired you.

Option 2: Make a scrapbook page using one of the holidays listed below as inspiration for your layout.
Twist: For BOTH options, I want you to use Musical Notes somewhere on your page. It can be in the paper, an embellishment, etc., but please make sure it’s clearly visible. You do NOT have to have lyrics from a song (but you can if you like!) but please use music notes etc. somewhere.
Bonus Twist: IF you can make a Christmas/Chanuka/Kwanzaa layout AND use a theme from one of the holidays listed below, you will get TWO entries into the drawing!
Rules: Must be a new layout/card/December Daily
May be combined with one other March challenge that allows it.
Multiple entries are allowed.
Entries due by April 30, 11:59pm. All eligible entries will go into a drawing for a $5 GC from ACOT!
April Monthly/Weekly/Daily holidays and wacky celebrations:
National Humor Month
International Guitar Month
Keep America Beautiful Month
Lawn and Garden Month
National Poetry Month
National Pecan Month
Week 1 Library Week
Week 1 Read a Road Map Week
Week 2 Garden Week
Week 4 Administrative Assistants Week
Week 4 National Karaoke Week
1 April Fool's Day
1 International Fun at Work Day
2 Children's Book Day
2 National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
9 Name Yourself Day
10 Golfer's Day
10 National Siblings Day
11 Barbershop Quartet Day
11 National Submarine Day
12 Big Wind Day
13 Scrabble Day
14 International Moment of Laughter Day
14 Look up at the Sky Day - don't you have anything better to do?
16 National Librarian Day
17 Blah, Blah, Blah Day
17 Pet Owners Independence Day
18 International Juggler's Day
21 Kindergarten Day
21 Patriot's Day - third Monday of the month
22 Girl Scout Leader Day
22 National Jelly Bean Day
23 Executive Admin's Day (Secretary's Day) - date varies, Also called Administrative Professional's Day
23 Lover's Day
24 Take Your Daughter to Work 4th Thursday
25 World Penguin Day
26 Hug an Australian Day
26 National Pretzel Day
27 Babe Ruth Day
27 Tell a Story Day
28 International Astronomy Day
28 Kiss Your Mate Day - guys, do not forget this one. Kiss her, then read her some poetry.
30 Hairstyle Appreciation Day