4peasinourpod wrote:I have a 6th grader. She has a teacher that doesn't like her. (she gets straight A's. she also has teachers that LOVE her...actually all but this one in particular). She is a confident, caring girl (messy as heck, but that is another story....wish you could see that girls locker

She comes home on a routine basis saying how much this teacher hates her. Not about the teachers that LOVE her. She has asked to change schools.

my point being that these teachers are there to TEACH. It is a hormonal age, and some of these kids are searching for role models and POSITIVE reinforcement.
I wish it were as easy as saying we are there just to teach. I wish I was there just to teach and care about the children I have in my class. Fortunately you are a good parent and a caring one. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. We have many hats and that is what gets over looked
OFTEN! We are behavior specialists, babysitters, free lance psychologists, mentors, creative sounding boards, academic researchers, entertainers, standardized test giver, professional secretaries......the list goes on!! A list I am CHOOSING to take on at that.
I totally agree with you. And please let me defend myself in saying I am one of the most caring people a child will ever have the pleasure of having on their side. I am very passionate about my work and my journey to becoming an amazing teacher. It is sad that your daughter feels that way. It is tragic actually. Kids at that age are also very melodramatic and self centered. They think everyone hates them. True scenario from today.....Me: T.J. stop talking. TJ: Mrs. Kellams I am trying to tell Devin what I am doing this weekend. Me: TJ this is the third time I have asked you to be quiet; I don't care what you have to tell him. TJ: Mannnn, Mrs Kellams hates me, she won't let me talk in class. Me: Well duh, no I won't let you talk in class, but that doesn't mean I hate you!
When a child in 6th grade, been arrested 5 times, has 26 referrals for behavior problems and in lunch detention daily, there is a problem and you are well on your way to looser-ville (I have seen the complete opposite scenario too......found out last week why a student I have has had all of those problems listed above.....mom is never present and dad is in jail for murder. I cried at the thought of what that kid goes home to every night. No wonder he has behavior issues.).
I do not think what that guys did is right, but sometimes kids do need more brutally honest opinions (hopefully from parents but usually the ones that need it most its unlikely) and he did what some teachers only wish they
could do every now and then.