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Cherry Addict

Re: Cheater debate.
 Sonetimes when you want to say something that is not good to say, it is best to just stay away for awhile until it blows over.  To remove temptation, so to speak.  As Ann Landers would say, MYOB. 
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Cheater debate.
 This is a hard one but i think id keep it to myself! because for all you know you might lose a good friend for telling him the truth cause he will probably stay with her anyway!  Think of how uncomfortable it will be at gatherings if you do tell him and he stays with her!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Cheater debate.
 Unless this guy is your bestest friend in the whole wide world, I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you...
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Cheater debate.
-Shannon- wrote:
-Tracy- wrote: Honestly I don't think it's any of your business. (sorry if that sounds harsh, I don't mean it to). :?

I wouldn't get involved in this. You're just going to cause hurt feelings/embarassment between many people by bringing it up.
I agree.

I didn't want to be the first one to say it, but I agree also.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Cheater debate.
-Tracy- wrote: 
He would be breaking a friendship that is really long.

I think that by you telling him, this would still be the result unfortunately.
That's how I see it too. And since your fiance is the best friend and chooses not to tell I think you shouldn't step on your fiance's toes by telling if he doesn't want to. I could see it causing issues between you and your fiance if he loses his friendship over this.

Hope that made sense.
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Cheater debate.
 This sounds like one of those situations where the messenger gets shot!!
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Wild Cherry

Re: Cheater debate.
 I have to agree with everyone telling you to leave it alone. I know it bugs the heck out of you, but relax, take a breath and try to understand it's their own business anyway it's handled, truefully or not.

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Cheater debate.
 Stay out of it.    It's a while ago and it won't win you any friendships.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bing

Re: Cheater debate.
I wouldn't say anything either. It is between them. good luck with you decision.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Cheater debate.
Keep out of it. If you cause him trouble it could affect your relationship with your boyfriend.
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Cherry Berry

Re: Cheater debate.
BeatrizS wrote: This is a hard one but i think id keep it to myself! because for all you know you might lose a good friend for telling him the truth cause he will probably stay with her anyway! Think of how uncomfortable it will be at gatherings if you do tell him and he stays with her!
I agree with this. Example: When I was younger a friend and I saw another friends husband with another women. The friend I was with when we saw this was bold enough to tell what she saw. Needless to say it was both embarrasing and hurtful to the friend that was told. It also caused a rift between friend and her husband. Finally he introduced his wife to the other women. She was a wedding planner and he was planning the wedding they never had and his wife had wanted. Surprise ruined, relationships strained and a good thing turned out to be a hurtful event for all involved. There are three sides to every story - yours, theirs and the truth.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Cheater debate.
I would want to know. However, there is no way I would want to be the one doing the telling. Either way you are stuck in a situation that sucks. Good luck!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Cheater debate.
You must choose your battles. It sounds like you really want to tell him, but ask yourself if you are willing to loose him as a friend if you do? It's a risk you might be faced with.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Cheater debate.
I wouldn't recommend you to say anything, after all is never a good idea to get in the middle of a couple... sorry about your friend.
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