First, I chose “rural Arkansas” because it is known to be a politically conservative area with lots of white people. Harlem was chosen by the show because it is a known politically liberal area that is demographically dominated by black people. Hence, I was attempting to make as parallel of a comparison as I could. I could have just as easily chosen Texas, but I was feeling Arkansas at the moment.
I bet you didn’t know that my people are from Arkansas. In fact, half of my family still lives there. Last time I checked, my Uncle Lee still doesn’t have plumping. How’s that for rural? I also grew up in a trailer park in Texas on welfare. I just want to make it clear that I would never use any underrepresented group of people as a “whipping post” nor would I ever “pick” on anyone that is impoverished or different than me. I’m a bleeding heart liberal, remember?
And although you may not know anyone so ignorant as to think McCain chose Biden as a running mate, I guarantee you (in fact, I would bet all of my money if I actually had any), that there are plenty of them out there in rural Arkansas, old-money Boston, Boca Raton, Philadelphia, Texas, Nebraska,
NYC, and everywhere else.
And while I’m on the subject, I think I’ll take a break from my high horse and admit that I am ignorant on a number of important issues, so that’s why I’m not surprised to see that many people are ill-informed when it comes to politics. Crap, until 2 weeks ago, I couldn’t even locate Connecticut on a map. I also have lived in Philly for going on 5 years, and I have no idea who the governor of my state is.
I just want to say that it’s hard for everyone to stay informed when it comes to political issues or current events. So many people work full-time jobs, and all they want to do is come home and relax rather than watch the last debate. Of course, I believe our country would be in a better place if people took the time to be well-informed, but sometimes it’s difficult, especially considering how the economy has taken so much of our free time.