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Category: Completed Research Forum: Help Fight Childhood Cancer Project Forum Thread: Japan Reactor disaster and childhood cancer |
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Veteran Cruncher USA Joined: Dec 2, 2005 Post Count: 1422 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
It is a sad thought but due to the reactor accident in Japan
----------------------------------------Reading the news online today it is showing that --- The government’s nuclear accident taskforce tested 1,149 children aged up to 15 about two weeks after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami triggered meltdowns, blasts and fires at the Fukushima plant. Radioactive iodine tends to gather in the thyroid glands of minors in particular, increasing the risk of developing cancer later in life. Of the valid test results collected for 1,080 children, 482 or 44.6 per cent were confirmed to have some level of radioactive contamination in their thyroid glands, the government official told AFP. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said none of the children suffered contamination beyond the equivalent of 0.2 microsieverts (mSv) per hour, the standard set by Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission. ---- FYI radioactive iodine half-life is about 8 days so 2 weeks is about 2 half-life’s for RAI so how many received above the normal level we shall probably not know. I honestly wonder if thyroid cancer is going to get a push because of this accident. I am curious what everyone else thinks about this disaster. I know it’s a horrible to think about but in the near future there are going to be a lot of thyroid and other cancers showing up in Japan. Being that they are so technology minded I think they will do a lot more research and help find cures and better replacements maybe for thyroid cancer in the future... I know it’s kind of a morbid though but what do you all think |
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Cruncher Joined: May 22, 2018 Post Count: 0 Status: Offline |
so sad... and i fell more sadness then i realize that we, perhaps, can't do anything. Just crunching
KWSN - A Shrubbery
Master Cruncher Joined: Jan 8, 2006 Post Count: 1585 Status: Offline |
Even if this exposure doesn't trigger cancers, it can lead to hypo-thyroidism which comes with it's own set of problems. Mine is sub-clinical, so no (obvious) adverse symptoms, but it is something I have to monitor.
----------------------------------------Distributed computing volunteer since September 27, 2000 |
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Cruncher Joined: May 22, 2018 Post Count: 0 Status: Offline |
Yes, it's so sad, nasher.
Given the level of information eagerness fromt the authorities in Japan, noone can expect any truth to come from them as long as they can manage to lie og hide or how you prefer to phrase it. Their track record is horrible if you remember how they only very reluctantly broke what happened at the nuclear power plant, piece by tiny piece .... I wonder if there are any statistics made after the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? My heart goes out to all the families who have this threat hanging over their heads. Hopefully nothing happens, but the dark cloud is there - and, yes, it would be nice if Japan decided to focus on cancer research - especially that of the thyroid. |
Veteran Cruncher USA Joined: Dec 2, 2005 Post Count: 1422 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
Just a follow-up for those who don’t realize I am a thyroid cancer survivor myself... I had both papillary and follicular cancer in different areas of the thyroid.
----------------------------------------@Little Mermaid - yes there are statistics made after the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Arizona. There are even more statistics from Russia from Chernobyl Remember they are now listing Fukushima reactors as worse the Chernobyl... Oh a really sad video and statistic from Chernobyl it is just sad the minimal information being released to those who are looking for it and wondering how little the actual people in Japan are hearing about it. As a Thyroid Cancer survivor I am greatly touched by anything cancer related especially thyroid cancer. |
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Cruncher Joined: May 22, 2018 Post Count: 0 Status: Offline |
Yes, nasher, it doesn't look good.
I hope the children get the best possible treatment and that they will grow up to enjoy life. I remember we had Chernobyl children visiting in Denmark on organized vacations for many years to give them a chance to recover. I know very little of thyroid cancer, but I think I have read that if it is caught early, there should be very good chances that it can be eliminated. Also you should be able to live without the thyroid gland as we have compensating medication for the hormones produced. It is also said that taking iodine when radioactive radiation occurs should protect the thyroid gland. However, I don't think people living close to nuclear plants are issued iodine routinely - would make poor PR, right? |
Veteran Cruncher USA Joined: Dec 2, 2005 Post Count: 1422 Status: Offline Project Badges: |
quick thyroid cancer facts
----------------------------------------97% 5 year survivability after treatment 30% chance of re-occourance actualy near every reactor in the US there is a store pile of Iodine pills so if an acident happens they can distribute those pills so radioactive iodine will not be absorbed. yes I have no thyroid I have to take 2 pills a day to replace the hormones. it is posible to survive (i wont call it living) for over 2 months without the thyroid or replacement hormones. every few years we have to go through scans to determin if the cancer is gone and we have to go off meds for 2+weeks durring that time we go into a brain fog, gain weight,sleep alot,become grumpy,have a hard time remembering things,may or may not be able to drive. oh yes and the replacement hormones they give you are eithor 1 or 2 of the 5 the thyroid alone makes .... 3 are considered unimportant by the medical field and 1 breaks down into the other as needed in a healthy body. |