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Master Cruncher
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

This project you freely admit is set for years,
yet your all worked up over 10 days...
a little perspecitve?
On the positive side, your worked up over the science of it not a badge.

[Feb 23, 2010 6:49:33 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

The Fell off my chair moment arrived, first validated just 2:09 hours before the 5 days passed... and this guy probably very happy with the pairing to a 64 bit client (moi).

erlc_ b005_ ps0000_ 1-- 612 Valid 17-2-10 17:10:20 22-2-10 15:01:35 37.44 628.0 / 747.0
erlc_ b005_ ps0000_ 0-- 612 Valid 17-2-10 17:10:19 19-2-10 17:15:12 46.67 874.5 / 747.0 < miei

Now 7 more that are running over the 5 days return time not talking

Gratx !!! I'm waiting on 8, but will come up like 2 days short of silver (not that I'm worried)

WU's are like a fine wine, you just have to wait til the liquor store is open biggrin

[Feb 23, 2010 6:59:46 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

My last one just got returned! Woohoo!

Unfortunately, I still only have 2 more Valids than PVs.

[Feb 23, 2010 7:02:10 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

The validation statistics expressing unspeakable words, mi non capisco bene, if there were 5 sets of 1,000 circulated of targets a through e:

Sek, there are 1,000 work units total. The target is erlc. The sub groups of a through e are there for the researchers to easily classify the results.

Just an FYI, the next target is hivp. Should be about 2000 work units of those when all are built.

[Feb 23, 2010 7:06:19 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

oh boy, that name is too suggestive.

Meantime, it's officially 6x24 hours after project launch and fetching 8, of which only 1 has validated and 7 are in lock-up. Did they throw away the key? 682 of 1000 validated at lunch time. Starts to feel like AfricanClimate@home :P

"ackoo7, as you know fine wine bottles need to be turned periodically... prepare to do it a few times before the liquor shop opens... the owner is on langlauf holidays, upstate.
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[Feb 23, 2010 7:14:18 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

My 3 WU are now 4+ days waiting for validation. Got my job done.

Edited number of days
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Former Member at Feb 24, 2010 6:49:41 PM]
[Feb 23, 2010 7:50:31 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown


Yeah, when i saw that hivp, i thought "I wonder if members will get confused." So because of your statement, I've sent an email to the researcher asking him what hivp stand for.

[Feb 23, 2010 8:21:33 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

I would guess Human Intravenous Penetration.
But possibly, Homologous In Vitro Penetration.

Neither of these sound any better.

Your guess...
[Feb 23, 2010 10:19:14 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

Hum... J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre en quoi les chasseurs de badges (dont je fais partie) peuvent ralentir un projet en affectant une grande partie de leur puissance de calcul au projet concerné.
De mon point de vue et selon toute logique mathématique, un projet avance nettement plus vite lorsque des Boincers mettent toute leur puissance dessus que si il restait noyé au milieu des autres projets.

Pour ce qui est des unités en attente de validation, faut pas oublier que ce sont de gigantesques pièces. Il a fallu 2 x 80 heure à mon T2050 pour venir à bout des deux unités qu'il a reçu jeudi dernier. Mon i7 920 fait guère mieux avec presque 50 heures par série de 8 unités.

En ce qui me concerne il me reste plus que deux machines avec des DDDT2 en cours. Mon Q6600 avec deux unités entamées, et mon i7 920 avec 8 unités en cours et 8 autres dans la pile. J'ai également 18 unités en attente de validation, comme quoi être un chasseur de badge n'est pas synonyme de faire attendre les autres...

Sur d'autres sous-projets de WCG j'ai parfois des unités qui attendent tellement longtemps avant d'être validées qu'elles ne sont parfois même plus affichées dans la liste. Evidemment, 15 unités de 6 heures éparpillées au milieu de centaines d'autres ça se voit moins que 3 unités de 40 heures au milieu de 15 autres.

Pour terminer, je pense que si DDDT2 est à sec, c'est simplement parce que les scientifiques veulent vérifier que les résultats de ce premier lot sont exploitables avant de balancer des millions d'unités en production. C'est comme dans n'importe quel domaine, avant de balancer la production on teste avec quelques pièces pour voir si ça fonctionne.
Hmm ... I have a little trouble understanding how the badge hunters (myself included) can slow a project affecting a large part of their computing power to the project.
From my point of view and by any mathematical logic, a project progresses much faster when Boincers put all their power on if it was swamped by other projects.

Regarding units awaiting validation must not forget that these are huge pieces. It took 2 x 80 hours to my T2050 to overcome the two units it received last Thursday. My i7 920 is little better with almost 50 hours per set of 8 units.

In my case I left two machines with DDDT2 underway. My Q6600 with two units started, and my i7 920 with 8 units in courses and 8 others in the stack. I also have 18 units awaiting validation as something to be a hunter badge does not mean to wait for the others ...

In other sub-projects of WCG I sometimes units waiting so long to be validated before they are even longer displayed in the list. Of course, 15 units of 6 hours spread among hundreds of others it shows less than 3 units of 40 hours among 15 others.

Finally, I think if DDDT2 is dry, simply because scientists want to verify that the results of this first batch are usable before throwing million units in production. It's like any field, before swinging the production is tested with a few pieces to see if it works.

[Feb 23, 2010 10:24:42 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: The are you my wingman and why is it taking you so long thread. clown

If everyone had used a setting of 0.1 days, All the results would have been back by the 18th or 19th!
If everyone set the cache to 10days, it would therefore take 8days longer. Of course not everyone leaves their computers on for 10days, so now it may take even longer, following the re-issue of timed out tasks.

If everyone has a 10day cache for each round of the project, the effect is similar to interest on your bank balance - cumulative.

Try some of that Maths.
[Feb 23, 2010 10:45:16 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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