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shock Manual start and stop of this program? Client is pathetic..

Okay ..I have downloaded this program yesterday and set my profile to run like this, Monday - Friday .. run time is from 12 AM - 7 AM and saturday - sunday 24 hrs.

Now today morning I realized that the program is stopped due to my device profile which is correct but today is holiday for me so I would like to start calculations only for today. sad

Seems like there is no option in this program which wil let user decide when to start and stop crunching.

Making changes through device profile using web is a nice idea but not realistic as your work load might take 100 hrs to finish and based on the "Logic" it will only check for the update only after returning results. crying

I think profle setting should be in the client as well as on the web shich should be allowed to change on the client first.

Sorry if this is a repost. I did tried to search in the forum but couldnt find answer. If there is a solution to restart the crunching please reply soon as I do not want to waste whole day of cruching time.

I guess Stopping (Shutdown) the application (client) wil not pick up the profile update.

And I should mention here that I have already finished large chunk @ 75%. If I kill the process , will I loose all the crunching perfomed so far ??


[Edit 2 times, last edit by pramodp at Feb 21, 2005 7:42:15 PM]
[Feb 21, 2005 6:32:44 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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cool Re: Manual start and stop of this program ??

The profile can be a real problem. In practice, if you do not want to lose the work done, the only real answer seems to be to change the computer time manually to the start of the crunching time in your profile. When you want to reset the clock to true time, just tell it to go out on the Internet to reset to the true time.

[Feb 21, 2005 6:56:10 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Manual start and stop of this program?? Client is pathetic ..

Thanks Lawrence ..

That seems to be working. But this application (client) is real pathetic. Why I need to change my system time to make this client run ??? crying

also Consider following scenario.

I have 2 machines , 2 seperate profiles.

first machine is with default profile and another with default2. Aggreed profile can be created over the web.

so now I install the client on first machine registerd with first profile. When I try to connect 2nd machine as exisiting member , it assumes that I will be using default profile. There is no choice of selecting profile while registering 2nd client.

Now what happnes if I have different run time scheduled for for 2 seperate machines ??

So I have to go back to web kill the client and re-launch it. Now the client is happy with new profile BUT if you go back to web and look under device, you have 2 entries for 2nd client as you tried to retstart it. Also there is no way to delete devices.(You can delete DEVICE PROFILES NOT the DEVICES ) If I am missing something please fill the gaps.

Whole profile thing sucks.... I think people like me are ready to contribute to this project but unless this profile settings are made available on the client, otherwise this is very irritating and annoying.

anyway .. I am back with 2 machines with 2 profiles. Hope will be able to contribute enough after dealing with this annoying client.

[Feb 21, 2005 7:41:12 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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cool Re: Manual start and stop of this program?? Client is pathetic ..

Imagine the problems someone has if they only allow Internet connections one hour a day and need to change the profile? But the World Community Grid is starting out using an Agent already in use over on and will create its own Agent this year. We will start out with a new Agent for Linux x86 and see what works and what does not. With all the coding for getting new projects underway and improving the servers, I expect we will have to move deliberately (slowly) before we work our way around to major changes in our Windows Agent. Someday our ship will come in!!

Imagine all the cargo we shall get someday! biggrin
[Feb 21, 2005 8:04:09 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Manual start and stop of this program?? Client is pathetic ..

Imagine the problems someone has if they only allow Internet connections one hour a day and need to change the profile? But the World Community Grid is starting out using an Agent already in use over on and will create its own Agent this year. We will start out with a new Agent for Linux x86 and see what works and what does not. With all the coding for getting new projects underway and improving the servers, I expect we will have to move deliberately (slowly) before we work our way around to major changes in our Windows Agent. Someday our ship will come in!!

Imagine all the cargo we shall get someday! biggrin

Well said Lawrence !!!

We all live on a hope... "Someday" is the right word. So I guess , even If I didnt like the current client ...I'll keep on contributing for the "hope" laughing
[Feb 21, 2005 8:17:01 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Manual start and stop of this program ??

Yes, the profiles can sometimes get in the way, but that's currently a limitation of the UD Agent we use. That software is owned by United Devices and we can't change that. Profiles are most useful for unattended machines.

What I do is simply leave my profile set to default, which runs 24/7. If I don't want it running at a certain time I can either snooze it or simply close it down and restart at a later time when I want it to run.
Rick Alther
Former World Community Grid Developer
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Alther at Feb 28, 2005 7:56:32 PM]
[Feb 25, 2005 8:20:31 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Manual start and stop of this program ??

Yes, the profiles can sometimes get in the way, but that's currently a limitation of the UD Agent we use. That software is own by United Devices and we can't change that. Profiles are most usefull for unattended machines.

What I do is simply leave my profile set to default, which runs 24/7. If I don't want it running at a certain time I can either snooze it or simply close it down and restart at a later time when I want it to run.

Thanks You Rick. I appreciate your input. Hoping for something better. smile
[Feb 26, 2005 8:17:43 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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