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WCG processes - how many ?

Hi, I'm running the WCG and I've been wondering for a while how many processes the program should have listed in the Task Manager.

ud_ (followed by a 7 digit number).exe

Are the above all WCG processes and if so, what does each process actually do?

[Nov 25, 2006 2:30:18 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG processes - how many ?

I'm not exactly sure how it all works (the UD agent is proprietary) but that's perfectly normal, and they are all WCG processes.

UD.exe is the main program, that provides all the notification icon functionality and the user interface.

wcgrid_fcg_ssearch.exe is one of the WCG science applications. This is the process that does the heavy lifting - it should have a high CPU usage. This particular executable is for Genome Comparison. You may see a few other process names for other WCG projects.

The other process exists somewhere in between, and I have no idea exactly how it works. I think UD.exe creates a process dynamically for each work unit.
[Nov 25, 2006 2:54:48 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: WCG processes - how many ?

Chris 20,

The projects, both UD aka WCG agent and BOiNC run 3 processes simultaneous.

1. The Manager: Either UD.exe or BOiNCmgr.exe
2. The Daemon aka Core Client: Either a UD_xxxxxxx.exe or BOiNC.exe
3. The Science: They all begin with wcg_xxxxxxxxx and with the UD/WCG agent have a 'exe' extension

The Daemon/Core Client (2) takes care of the communications between the science and the front end (1), that u see on the screen. In BOiNC, it's a bit more complicated, even if BOiNCmgr.exe looses contact with BOiNC.exe, will the latter continue running. That contact loss very rarely happens and is often Security software related... something for a rainy day to discuss. A simple terminate in the Taskmanager of BOiNCmgr.exe and restart will re-establish that communication.

Item 2 for UD and 3 for both agents change their number with each different science project you run. Usually in BOiNC, the science program includes a version number like 'wcg_fcg1_ssearch_5.10_windows_intelx86'. It also tells for which operating system and CPU family.

Let me make a note to create a reference table of what each process is u see and try to keep it current. We'll put it in the 'Start Here FAQ' section which is 'Read Only' ;>). Saw this at an other distributed computing website. Often security software needs to be told that these processes are save before they let them run uninterruptedly.

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[Nov 25, 2006 7:12:10 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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