What is the Architecture of Multichain?

+5 votes

I am working on Multichain for my personal Project. I wanted to know the hierarchy of elements like Bitcoin core, Multichain Architecture(Main elements feature), Nodes API layer etc.

Can you please provide a Image or link to find the image?
Or a bullet point notes would also help me.


Or please verify this image url and let me know what has to be modified?

asked Mar 7, 2018 by Pavan123
Updated Architecture of Multichain.


Please check out the answer for evolution of this model.

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Here's a basic architectural description:

  • The two main subsystems of MultiChain are the node (which tracks the chain's global state) and the wallet (which tracks transactions of specific interest to the node and holds private keys). Each of these has separate mechanisms for storing and retrieving information.
  • There's no distinction between Bitcoin Core and MultiChain since MultiChain is an extended version of Bitcoin Core.
  • You can have multiple instances of MultiChain conneced to the same chain.
  • The chain contains information permissions, assets and streams, although nodes also read and write these.
  • Each node has its own API which can be connected to from an application.
answered Mar 8, 2018 by MultiChain
selected Mar 9, 2018 by Pavan123
Thank you so much.

Please verify this image url and let me know what has to be modified?
There is no API to MultiChain in general, only to specific nodes.

And each node has a separate API which is what each UI can onnect to. There is no such thing as connecting to the "nodes" in general.
I would like to help other Mutichain users with Graphical representation of Architecture

Please verify this image url and let me know what has to be modified?
I would suggest using the word 'blockchain' rather than MultiChain at the bottom, since each node is itself an instance of MultiChain. But otherwise it looks fine.
Thank you, @Multichain.
It's very interesting to me. If updated, please share it.
Hello MultiChain team

Thanks for your support. Please is this architecture image still valid or  has it been updated?
We did not draw this diagram, and it's quite a simple view, but it is still valid.