Encrypting private keys for offine storage.

+1 vote
One of the standards today with Bitcoin private keys for password protecting the private key is BIP38.  I am writing an application that uses this format but the private key in multichain does not seem to work with BIP38.  I suppose your format is different? The private key contains more bytes? Do you recommend another encryption technique we can use to password protect the private key or is there still a way to use BIP38?
asked Dec 21, 2017 by dtarsio

1 Answer

0 votes

You can certainly use MultiChain with any method for encrypting or protecting bitcoin private keys. MultiChain does make some versioning changes to the private key format, as described here:


However you can have bitcoin-compatible private keys by setting up a chain with the following parameters:


answered Dec 22, 2017 by MultiChain