allow that each user hold a secure address and can transfer assets from one to another account using web application

+1 vote


I have configured the multichain blockchain and web demo.

I have a web application. I want to allow that each user hold a secure address and can transfer assets from one to another account using web application. Web application is developed by me.
I also want that if a user signup to my web app they will get a wallet address/private key. So can send/receive.

asked Dec 12, 2017 by tariq

1 Answer

0 votes
The problem is that if you provide the user with the private key yourself, then you can also sign transactions on their behalf. So in this case you might as well just provide each user with a login and not bother them with having to worry about their own private key.

If you want meaningful user private key security, you should use client-side encryption, for example like that used by the bitcoin wallet. More info here:
answered Dec 12, 2017 by MultiChain
Can i do something like this ?
When user create wallet account in our web app then we assign a asset address(for sending/receiving assets) from multichain (Handle by back-end api using RPC)

Do you thing this the correct way?
As i want same functionality as

or can i use this ?
I don't think the API will help you. You could need to generate the private key on the client side, and then have the address passed from that back to your web application.
How to i achieve this ?

You could need to generate the private key on the client side, and then have the address passed from that back to your web application.
One more qus pls

I have a public blockchain with asset and i want to allow anyone to mine using too or anything else ?
is there any software or tool for multichaib transactions mining.
MultiChain automatically performs mining if appropriate.
But i am using a public bitcoin compatible multichain so it means it should be the same as bitcoin.
Right now i got unconfirmed transations that means mining is not working properly.

Is it possible to use hardware or software minig with multichain?
MultiChain does not currently work with external mining software or hardware, because certain necessary APIs have been disabled.