Cheching 2.0 alfa 1 release and try to write several keys with data-json structure instead a key and data-hex.
CLI help notifies this^
1. "from-address" (string, required) Address used for issuing.
2. "stream-identifier" (string, required) Stream identifier - one of the following: stream txid, stream reference, stream name.
3. "key" (string, required) Item key
3. keys (array, required) Array of item keys
4. "data-hex" (string, required) Data hex string
4. data-json (object, required) JSON data object
"json" : data-json (object, required) Valid JSON object
4. data-text (object, required) Text data object
"text" : "data-text" (string, required) Data string
However any keys arrays variants came back as string and no way to send any data-json or data-text.
Please check this options work and send your variant of example.