Pre-setup permissions for known nodes

+1 vote
I have two nodes, master and slave node. I am using docker compose to test the multichain network. I want to setup a fix address for the slave node to add the required permissions in the master node, to enable an automatic connection of the slave to the master node . Do you have an idea how to manually create an address with the corresponding public and private key and associate them to the slave node, and how to automatically connect the two nodes?
asked Nov 12, 2017 by nour
edited Nov 12, 2017 by nour

1 Answer

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Best answer

You can use createkeypairs on any node to create a private key and corresponding address, without adding them to the node's wallet.

Then use the initprivkey runtime parameter to start a node running with a fixed first private key (and therefore address) instead of a randomly-generated one.

answered Nov 13, 2017 by MultiChain
selected Nov 13, 2017 by nour
Thanks, I have already tested that but I think to work properly we have to fix the address format at the master node and generate keys from that node. Otherwise master node will not accept the address to connect to the blockchain (encoding error)