getpeerinfo Response

+1 vote

We have a 3 node network with 2 nodes mining and one node just connected and replicating blocks & transactions.

When I execute getpeerinfo from one if the nodes the response differs slightly between the mining node and the replicating node:

Mining Node:

"synced_headers": 3085,
"synced_blocks": 3085,

Replicating Node:

"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,

Is this intentional?  I've checked the node that is just replicating and it is fully sync'd with the other nodes when comparing the block height.






asked Nov 11, 2017 by marty

1 Answer

0 votes
It's not a cause for concern. These fields depend on the presence of certain incoming messages over that specific P2P connection, and those messages may not always be sent out in both direction.
answered Nov 13, 2017 by MultiChain