\nerror code: -716\nerror message:\nNo unspent outputs are available. Please send a transaction, with zero amount, to this node or address first and wait for its confirmation.\n'
b'{"method":"publish","params":[ .....................]"chain_name":"chain2"}\n\nerror code: -26\nerror message:\nError: this transaction was rejected. This may be because you are sharing private keys between nodes, and another node has spent the funds used by this transaction.\n'
then I created a new chain in a separate folder, but still got same message. The python file was running properly few days back, then after database corruption issue. these message are appearing now for publishcommand.
\nerror code: -708\nerror message:\nStream with this name not found: chr2stream15\n'
nerror code: -26\nerror message:\nError: this transaction was rejected. This may be because you are sharing private keys between nodes, and another node has spent the funds used by this transaction.\n'