MultiChain Permissioned BlockChain following POW

+1 vote

MultiChain is a permissioned blockchain  and it follows POW.

Kindly clarify that , for a private blockchain, where I give permissions to mine, in that case:-

a)Who would do the mining?

b)Are there miners who have enough computing power to solve the puzzle and change the nuance value and so?

c) Can I  have designated person to approve a transaction in the permissioned blockchain?
asked Oct 29, 2017 by Freebird

1 Answer

0 votes

If you're using permissioned mining in MultiChain, generally you won't be relying on proof-of-work at all (unless you change the default value of the target-adjust-freq blockchain parameter). You can choose who you want to do the mining, based on assigning the mine permission.

answered Oct 29, 2017 by MultiChain