Mining halted permanently

+1 vote

I'm running a single node Blockchain with the following parameters. For the past few days the mining got halted and no transactions are being confirmed. Only 119 blocks have been mined so far. Couldn't figure out the root cause. Please help me solve this.


asked Oct 9, 2017 by Cypher

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Assuming you are using permissioned mining, but didn't grant mining permission to other (non-active) addresses, the problem is probably target-adjust-freq, which allows the difficulty of mining to increase. Unless you're using an open blockchain with proof-of-work mining, there's no reason to change target-adjust-freq from its default value of -1. Please see the production recommendations at the bottom of this page:

answered Oct 9, 2017 by MultiChain
selected May 29, 2019 by Cypher