multichaind crash , auto shutdown

+1 vote
multichaind shutdown , this is debug logs

2017-07-14 01:05:21 opencon thread interrupt
2017-07-14 01:05:21 dumpaddr thread stop
2017-07-14 01:05:21 addcon thread interrupt
2017-07-14 01:05:21 UpdateTip:            new best=004a0b99ca56a92bcae671a42edabda45b331a11b59699a2c2e38dff68504388  height=1165  log2_work=18.187352  tx=1207  date=2017-07-13 05:36:27 progress=1.000000  cache=0
2017-07-14 01:05:21 msghand thread interrupt
2017-07-14 01:05:21 net thread interrupt
2017-07-14 01:05:21 Shutdown: In progress...
2017-07-14 01:05:21 MultiChainMiner terminated
2017-07-14 01:05:21 StopNode()
2017-07-14 01:05:21 Node stopped
2017-07-14 01:05:21 Shutdown: done


please help me
asked Sep 8, 2017 by anonymous
I've forwarded to the team and we'll revert shortly.

1 Answer

0 votes
So... this looks like a regular shutdown sequence to us, either from the stop API call, or else Control-C, or some other termination signal from the operating system. Did any of these things happen in your case.
answered Sep 10, 2017 by MultiChain