Error code -32603, Issuing more units not allowed for this asset

+1 vote

I have tried to add asset to multichain.
I can add asset to mutlichain by (issue [address] [asset name] [amount] 0.01)

Then, I enter the next command to add asset for the above asset. ***same user, same session***
(issuemore [address] [asset name] [amount])
It shows the following error code.

error code: -32603
error message:
Issuing more units not allowed for this asset:

How can I add extra unit to the existing asset?

asked Mar 21, 2017 by Bundaberg

1 Answer

0 votes

You need to ensure the asset is issued as open, at the time of creation. Instead of the name parameter, use something like: '{"name":"asset1","open":true}'

answered Mar 21, 2017 by MultiChain