I am new to multichain and trying hands on it.I have two nodes, one miner and another connected to it.I have created a native asset in the miner and sent some quantity to the connected other node by using multichain-cli api. Now i am trying to do the same through multichain RPC-API.
The problem i am facing right now is that after running the curl command ,i am getting a txid but still when i check the balance,its the same as before the transaction.
curl --user multichainrpc:FL4NBKuxEvJ8drAWZjCQgrDn6dPzYotwmn18q6GtmbMp --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "sendasset", "params": ["1HJYmkhGFjr8cVXfsXrFUFDRHWwPbqMufuUCNR","asset3",10]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
Can anyone please guide me on this?