Error code when creating an asset or stream

+2 votes
I understand that a full list of error codes is not available os of yet.

Please could you advise what the JSON-RPC response would be in case of:

- failure to create native asset

- failure to create stream

Many thanks.
asked Feb 17, 2017 by lenh
What do you imagine might be the cause of this failure? That will determine the error code.
I'm not getting errors, but in my code I need to cater for error conditions from the multichain side. Since there is no published error codes list I need to know how multichain responds when an error condition occurs so that I can trap same on my application end stop execution of the given process....

1 Answer

+1 vote

In general, if there's an error, the JSON-RPC response objects contains a top-level error structure, which looks something like this:

"error": {"code": -32601, "message": "Method not found"}
answered Feb 20, 2017 by MultiChain