Hi there! I want to build prototype on Wordpress with crowdplatform and multivendor marketplace. Since web demo is written on PHP I think it should be pretty easy to integrate it's functionality: send token, issue token, write critical data for crowdcampaign (conditions for example) to blockchain. Basic usecase: we have a company that produces fresh-roasted coffee and they want to perform crowdinvesting. So they issue coffeecoin and start their campaign. Users can buy this coffeecoins and start to use them right away i.e. send, buy coffee and even trade on another coins that are available on platform from another users.
I plan to have three separate servers. One will host blockchain, another will host explorer and third one will host wordpress with web wallet. The question is - what is the most secure and yet simple way to integrate Web demo to Wordpress so it could serve as true decentralized and fault-tolerant wallet, that could be exported, restored using mnemonic and etc? I do not want to store private keys on my server, I would prefer to use stream so even if mysql becomes compromised, attackers would neither know which account hold coins nor have an access to them.