Signrawtransaction issue

+1 vote
Thanks. I tried the following command,

Step - 1 (Node 1)

multichain-cli abc createrawsendfrom "4959EiF1S9ecS7sXQ1fq4jKEmzhVQkbthZ86iw" {\"03d17cef9b4351b851e0df0810896e6233abb768286196e3f13b7b46bab959cb1a\":"{\"asset1\":20}"}" '[]' sign

I got a Hex Blob.

Step - 2 (Node 2)
multichain-cli -datadir=multi2 -port=10255 -rpcport=10254 abc sign
rawtransaction <<Hex-Blob received from Step-1>>

It complete execution with "complete" : false

Any idea why this is happening?

Step - 3 (Node 1)
multichain-cli abc sendrawtransaction <<Hex Blob received from Step 2 on Node 2)

error code: -26
error message:
64: Nonstandard transaction input
asked Jan 19, 2017 by rahulkumargr

1 Answer

0 votes

I don't know the exact details of your setup to know if the datadir and rpcport are correct for the two nodes, or if the multisig address only uses addresses belonging to those nodes. But in general if signrawtransaction returns false in the complete field, it means that the transaction is not yet fully signed and there is no point trying to send it. At each stage you can use decoderawtransaction to examine the vin inputs to understand what has and has not been signed.

answered Jan 19, 2017 by MultiChain