I have a chain running on AWS that is connected to an application hosted on Heroku which uses dynamic IP's. I've installed a SOCK5 proxy add-on that returns a couple static IP addresses for me to use. However, when I update the multichain.conf file with a static IP, the connection fails. Works just fine when I use rpcallowip=
In the example below, the vendor demonstrates a SOCKS5 connection to MySQL request. Can someone translate the configuration to multichain setup that uses multichain-node (json-rpc) commands.
var mysql = require('mysql2'),
url = require('url'),
SocksConnection = require('socksjs');
var remote_options = {
port: 3306
var proxy = url.parse(process.env.QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL),
auth = proxy.auth,
username = auth.split(':')[0],
pass = auth.split(':')[1];
var sock_options = {
host: proxy.hostname,
port: 1080,
user: username,
pass: pass
var sockConn = new SocksConnection(remote_options, sock_options);
var dbConnection = mysql.createConnection({
user: 'dbuser',
database: 'dbname',
password: 'dbpassword',
stream: sockConn
dbConnection.query('SELECT 1+1 as test1;', function(err, rows, fields) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Result: ', rows);