unable to create a streams with valid hexadecimal string

+2 votes
Please check below streams creation with valid hexadecimal strings

1) chain3: publish test test1 a65bc

error code: -8
error message:
Item data should be hexadecimal string

2)chain3: publish test test1 a56bc

error code: -8
error message:
Item data should be hexadecimal string

But sometimes its considering and generating stream txid

3) chain3: publish test test1 a65bc1

related to an answer for: stream permission issues
asked Sep 21, 2016 by Rajasekhar

1 Answer

+1 vote
To be a valid piece of data in hexadecimal form, it needs an even number of hex characters. This is because each pair of hex characters is converted into one byte of raw data.
answered Sep 21, 2016 by MultiChain