non-wallet transaction id ( code 710 ) for an existing transaction using getwallettransaction vs. getrawtransaction

+2 votes
The output for getblock give me the below result and so this block contain 4 transaction :

    "hash" : "00964ff493764e24b142b22d1b17d16ed9115bf89ad1f8a3f45eca9864bce683",
    "miner" : "1Bihmhz9qgBmmbVtRGAzMSeqVn7SPBcp4E3B3f",
    "confirmations" : 11,
    "size" : 4112,
    "height" : 3805,
    "version" : 3,
    "merkleroot" : "c6b4ce8c8ee479bea73ed0ca3daaf51e15e86259653ae4cf4270c607a19734a7",
    "tx" : [
    "time" : 1591190766,
    "nonce" : 130,
    "bits" : "2000ffff",
    "difficulty" : 5.96046447753906e-8,
    "chainwork" : "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ede00",
    "previousblockhash" : "00ba222469f90606818c899b584f1800729673976e366d14354628dbd9c40b46",
    "nextblockhash" : "00b853abe9e679087b0d828b34fd5b669352b4743bad209a81f1b173501a5d79"

and the issue is getwallettransaction for one of them (specifically 2d40b89a90114ee39583b37a103854e4a1d506ca69c93006113303004cd22739) give me 710 error code while the others haven't any issue and give me normal result? as per below:

getwallettransaction 2d40b89a90114ee39583b37a103854e4a1d506ca69c93006113303004cd22739

error code: -710
error message:
Invalid or non-wallet transaction id

Notice: getrawtransaction for this transaction gave me normal result as below:

getrawtransaction 2d40b89a90114ee39583b37a103854e4a1d506ca69c93006113303004cd22739

asked Jun 3, 2020 by mina

1 Answer

0 votes

The getwallettransaction command can only retrieve transactions that are actually stored in the wallet, because they involve an address in the wallet, or a subscribed asset or stream. It seems like this transaction was not stored in the wallet of this node.

answered Jun 4, 2020 by MultiChain