Order of signatures in a multisig

+1 vote
Thanks to the support here, I was able to fig out the implementation of multisig using multichain. In the process of executing the transaction, say, in the case of nrequired=2, a few questions. Assume a base set up where Node 1 creates a multisig address and follows through with creating a transaction to spend the locked funds to Node 2.

1. Does the order of signatures here matter? Is it possible that in the above case, Node 2 signs the transaction first and then Node 1?

2. Say, Node 1 has already signed the transaction. How could Node 2 determine the hex of the signature by Node 1 in order to continue the signing process to complete the release of locked funds? In a general scenario, is there a way of querying the blockchain to determine if there are any pending signatures by any of the nodes?
asked Apr 13, 2016 by skarred14

1 Answer

0 votes

1. The order of signatures does not matter - signrawtransaction takes care of all that.

2. You can pass the partially signed transaction to decoderawtransaction to see the signatures inside. It won't be on the blockchain itself until fully signed and broadcast using sendrawtransaction.

answered Apr 14, 2016 by MultiChain
Thank you for the response. With reference to 2, when you say, pass the partially signed transaction, do you mean send a transaction with metadata containing the signrawtransaction's hex output to the second signatory node? Or did you mean to suggest a different method?
You can pass it any way you like, on-chain (like you suggest) or off-chain.