Pointers needed for per-order blockchain

+1 vote

We want to implement per-order blockchain where there is one blockchain for each order. The scenario is as below -  

  • The parties (i.e. nodes) involved in one order could be altogether different from parties involved in other order. 
  • All parties are part of one single consortium and follow same guidelines during the order life-cycle. 
  • One party can sometime be part of multiple different orders as well. 
  • The order will be time bound and will not be alive after it is fulfilled. Once fulfilled, the order will be archived.

I request if you could help us with suitable pointers or step-by-step process to create per-order blockchain using multichain APIs for above scenario.

related to an answer for: Same address for per-order blockchain
asked Mar 29, 2016 by SachinVK
Can someone reply to this?

1 Answer

0 votes
This is what we are doing for per-order blockchain:-

1. Create a big chain(lets say chain1) which has all the 100 parties which can ever participate in an order whose addresses we will use

2. Create a per order chain(order1chain) which will have maybe say 4 parties out of the 100. To achieve 2, we are doing the below:-

   2.a Clone the bigchain(chain1) params

   2.b Modify the address related fields in the params.dat

   2.c Modify the port numbers(port numbers which are not used currently)

   2.d Start the admin node of order1chain

   2.e Try connecting another node(node2) to the order1chain and capture its address

   2.f Grant rights from admin node of order1chain to node2(captured address)

   2.g Make the node2 of order1chain up now as connect rights are granted

   2.h Get the private key of node2 from main chain(chain1) so that address can remain same, import that in order1chain

   2.i Now grant send,receive rights to this address of node2 from admin node of order1chain

   2.j Also change the rpc password and rpcallowip to the main chain parameters(This will help us in connecting to the new order chain using the same parameters)

   2.k Restart the node2

   2.l Repeat the above steps for other nodes which want to be part of this chain(order1chain)


Now our question is this the right way of approaching per order blockchain? Or do we have a better option?

Do you think we should try automating the above steps using a shell script? Or can something else be done?



Aman C
answered Mar 30, 2016 by amanc
Can MultiChain team confirm on this above mentioned approach?
Port Numbers in Per order blockchain