Error: connect,send,receive

+1 vote


2nd server generated his command. 

Please ask blockchain admin or user having activate permission to let you connect and/or transact:
multichain-cli LoyaltyBITS grant 1ViDjj6bR64aTmVyvTjzHYxBzaivvSQhiM6q44 connect
multichain-cli LoyaltyBITS grant 1ViDjj6bR64aTmVyvTjzHYxBzaivvSQhiM6q44 connect,send,receive

Error executing the permission on Admin Server:

asked Feb 15, 2019 by KabirMG
We can't see the actual error here, can you please complete your post?

1 Answer

0 votes

This is because of missing permissions granted to this node, so for that first what permissions are available on this node by using listpermissions method and then grant the permissions to activate.

answered Feb 17, 2019 by gimmick
Missing Multichain.conf - How to create