Multichain on RHEL 5

+1 vote
Following question seems a no-brainer, but just wanted to check regardless.

From the instructions it is clear that multichain requires RHEL 6.2+, but I have been trying to see if it can work on a corporate server (RHEL 5.11). I have been able to tar the file and move the files to /usr/local/bin/. However, when using multichain-util is used to create a chain, I get the error message saying: "multichain-util command not found".

Is this an artifact of RHEL that I am trying to use? If not, is there a work around?
asked Mar 1, 2016 by skarred14

1 Answer

0 votes

MultiChain may well work fine on RHEL 5.11 - we just haven't tested it there.

It sounds like the problem is with your $PATH setting, where the shell is not looking in /usr/local/bin for executables.

You can either modify $PATH or else install the three MultiChain executable files in a directory where the shell does look.

Or in the worst case, run them with the full path, like: /usr/local/bin/multichaind

answered Mar 2, 2016 by MultiChain
Thanks for the response. I was able to work with the command by using
chmod +x multichaind, etc for all the related executable files.

However, here is the error I receive:

multichain-util: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by multichain-util)
multichain-util: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by multichain-util)
multichain-util: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by multichain-util)

Suggestions? Should I be installing the package?
At this point I would just suggest Googling those error strings and seeing if anyone has the appropriate solution for RHEL 5. They will probably occur with many programs other than multichain-util.