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Cherry Jubilee

Update on me...
Hello girls - haven't been around much...but need to give an update.To those waiting on swaps from me - I have been waiting on Twinsmom1 - if her stuff isn't to me like she stated all swaps will get mailed without.
On me - I went to the dr. yesterday to get my wrist checked after falling on Christmas Eve.  Well I got good and bad news.  The good is that he's 75% postitie it's not broken - he's sending the films out to be checked.  The bad is that I more than likely dislocated something and tore some tendons.  There is a popping when he was moving my wrist. So, I'm in a splint for a few days until the swelling goes down and then likely a cast for about a week!  Fun!!  This is going to hinder my efforts - but most of my 2008 spots are paper and already bought.Thanks for your patience.Jenna
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Cherry Bomb

Update on me...
Sorry you are havin issues with your wrist...hope it heals soon!!
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Update on me...
Ouch!   Hope that it heals up quickly!  take care!
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Update on me...
bummer... hope your wrist heals quickly :)  thanks for the update. 
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Cherry Bomb

Update on me...
Yuck! I hope you feel better soon!
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Update on me...
Take care of yourself..hope it heals quickly
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Cherry Jubilee

Update on me...
Thanks girls.  I don't really find out much until Thursday...It's been fun as I can;t even dress myself - ever tried a bra one handed?Jenna
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Chatty Cherry

Update on me...
hope you heal quickly...on the other hand bras are overated...enjoy life and be free and go braless lol
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Cherry Jubilee

Update on me...
lol wendy - I'm a little too big for that!
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Cherry Bomb

Update on me...
How are you feeling today, any better? I hope you heal quickly and that you are not in much pain.
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Cherry Jubilee

Update on me...
I'm feeling pretty good other than being tired all the time - I think that's cause it's hard to sleep.I tried to move it some when I took a shower...not such a good idea.  I go back to the dr. on Thurs and am hoping for good news!Jenna
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Update on me...
Awe.. Hun that sucks.....I hope your feeling better soon! 
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Cherry Cola

Update on me...
Hugs hope you are feeling better soon,  I messed up my wrist when I was younger and thats no fun!HUGS
Jennifer Mom of Four Boys
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Cherry Bomb

Update on me...
Well.... did ya get good news?
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Cherry Jubilee

Update on me...
umm no.  I now am the owner of a lovely flouescent green cast - the doc let Kaitlyn pick from red or green...He thinks it's broken, but a minor fracture.  I go back in two weeks.  I was hoping for pictures, but dh let me take a nap and sleep trumps everything these days!Thanks for thinking of me!Jenna
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Cherry Bomb

Update on me...
I am sorry to hear that! That stinks! I wish itwas good news for you. I hop it eals quick! I cant imgine being without a wrist! 
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