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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Should he get to keep his plates? ... B3980.html

This policeman has license plates that say GETOSAMA
The state wants to revoke his license plates. 

Do you think he should be allowed to keep them - or should he give them back?  
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Cherry Tart

Should he get to keep his plates?
He should be able to keep them. We live in a free country. There are a lot more offensive things out there, this is minor. Leave the guy alone.
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Cherry Cropper

Should he get to keep his plates?
I think that is hilarious!I could see regular ol people being offended if their name happend to be Osama as well though.
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Cherry Bomb

Should he get to keep his plates?
I think he should get to keep speech....but I will say I personally don't condone it...this is the kind of thing that further exemplifies hate....and or predjudice...JMO
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Cherry Crush

Should he get to keep his plates?
Yes he should.  If others have the right to be expressive about wildlife, colleges, being a veteran, abortion, rock bands and the like, he should certainly be allowed to have his.Also, I really disagree with the fact that his plates exemplify hate.  I'm pretty sure his excellent orchestration of the September 11 attacks pretty much did that for him.
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A Cherry on Top

Should he get to keep his plates?
This has been all over the news here and I think he should get to keep his plates.
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Cherry Delight

Should he get to keep his plates?
I think he should keep them.  Who cares if it offends people?  I'm really offended that it took thousands of people dying for us to be able to go after the terrorists.
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Cherry Bing

Should he get to keep his plates?
Sure, he should turn it in and get one that says --- okay wait, I can't type that here....  Let's go wtih GTHOSAMA for now. 
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Cherry Tart

Should he get to keep his plates?
I was not able to access the story. Is the plates on a government vehicle? Or a city, state or any property that is not his?I wopuld say let him keep the plates if they are on his personally owned vehicle that he does not use for work.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Should he get to keep his plates?
They were on his personal vehicle.

State/business business plates are usually picked out by the business that owns them.
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A Cherry on Top

Should he get to keep his plates?
He should be able to keep them. 
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Cherry Blossom

Should he get to keep his plates?
I sure think that he should be able to keep those plates!
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Linda S

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Should he get to keep his plates?
You pay for your license plates, so he should keep it.
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